Infiniverse App Launch and Twitter Contest

Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2018

A few hours ago we released the Infiniverse public beta app on Android and iOS! During the public beta, you will need the invite link to install the application. For iOS users, you first need to install TestFlight, to let you participate in beta testing. The Infiniverse app supports iPhone 6S+ and all Android devices that support ARCore. However, even if your device is supported, more modern phones will perform much better. The following video demonstrates the features of the app:

In the initial beta, you are able to explore the world, register land plots, place digital content on your land from Google Poly and see what other users have placed on their lands around you. In order to place your own custom 3D models, you must first upload them to Google Poly. In the future, you will be able to upload custom 3D models directly to Infiniverse. While you must use the app to place objects on your land right now, early next year you will be able to place content remotely.

Please note that this is an early-adopter beta, you should expect issues! You are required to go outdoors to use the app, and there must be enough light outside for the phone to be able to track the environment. Land plots may shift between sessions, as GPS is only accurate to within a few meters. You may also have difficulties in very uneven environments or around many skyscrapers. Also, take into account that placing objects and adjusting them will spend your EOS account’s RAM and CPU. All of these issues will improve in future versions.

We are planning to integrate with Scatter Mobile and other wallets in the future. However, Scatter Mobile does not yet support native apps, therefore you must login with your EOS private key. While your key is securely encrypted on your device and never transmitted to us or anyone else, we understand that many users are reluctant to type in their owner or active keys. Therefore, we created the following tutorial to show you how to create custom EOS permissions. This allows you to create a private key that only has authority to interact with the Infiniverse smart contracts, and cannot be used to transfer your EOS or do anything else to your account.

And now, we’re pleased to announce the details of our twitter contest with INF prizes! Here are the prizes:

  • 1st Place: 20,000 INF
  • 2nd Place: 10,000 INF
  • 3rd Place: 5,000 INF

The goal of the contest is to tweet your best in-app screenshots and video clips. Judging criteria is specifically looking for the most creative combination of the real-world and digital content. Bonus points if you designed the digital object yourself. The contest will conclude and winners will be announced on 31st January, 12:00:00 UTC time, or when at least 100 users have submitted an entry, whichever is later. One user can make an unlimited number of submissions. To make an eligible submission, simply tweet the image or video clip, tag @infiniverseAR and use the hashtags #AR #AugmentTheWorld.

We are really glad to finally get our app out the world. These are still early days and there is a long road ahead of us. We hope that you will join us on our mission to augmented the entire world. We look forward to your tweets and feedback, and hope you enjoy the app!

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Infiniverse is an augmented reality digital world running on the EOS blockchain.