Infiniverse Referendums & Land Height Restrictions

Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2019

Infiniverse Referendum System

In this article we wanted to introduce the Infiniverse referendum system and discuss our proposal for the first referendum. Our Whitepaper briefly mentioned that land owners can vote on rules about their community, as well as that Infiniverse moderators can be elected by the community. However, now we would like to explain our plans for the referendum system more concretely.

Infiniverse plans to eventually transition into a completely decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). A part of that involves giving power to the community. In particular, voting power should be proportional to a user’s stake. Therefore, rules regarding land content restrictions, such as height, should be governed by land owners themselves. Each square meter of land ownership, represents one vote in referendums affecting land owner interests. Other kinds of referendums, unrelated to land content, may have a different voting power mechanism, which is still to be determined.

The exact rules regarding voter participation and percentage of yes votes required are yet to be determined. We will be closely watching and taking inspiration from the upcoming EOS referendum system, which requires a voter turnout of at least 15% and at least 10% more yes than no votes sustained during a 30 day period within 120 days, as per the original EOS constitution.

However, EOS voting participation is not necessarily a good indicator of Infiniverse voting participation. Therefore, we plan to hold the first referendum without pre-defined participation rules, and base the rules on the outcome of the first one.

Land Height Referendum

We are planning to organize the first Infiniverse referendum in Q2 of 2019, on the topic of land height restrictions. Our goal with Infiniverse has always been to give users as much freedom as possible, but also incentivize good behavior. When we launched our land auction, we explained that land height restrictions will be decided in the future.

While looking at the almost 5 million square meters of land that have been registered since Infiniverse launched, we have noticed that some users have been registering a lot of very thin plots of land between two other plots. As it’s not really possible to put any meaningful content on such thin plots of land, we suspect that the goal of these thin plots is to block the neighboring lands, and force them to buy out the blocking land. We believe that such behaviour has a negative effect on the success of the Infiniverse economy. As a result, we propose the following rule for calculating land height restrictions:

The maximum height of objects on a land plot will be some constant multiplied by the length of the shortest side of land. We suggest 5 as being a good starting constant. For example, a 10 x 10 meter land plot will be able to build objects up to 50 meters in height, however, its 0.1m x 10m neighbor will only be able to build up to 0.5m high.

We have received positive feedback from a few Infiniverse enthusiasts and will recommend land owners to vote for this proposal. However, the decision will be entirely in the hands of the voters. If the referendum passes, the next referendum may be to determine the exact value of the multiplier. We look forward to holding one of the first ever on-chain dApp referendums!

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Infiniverse is an augmented reality digital world running on the EOS blockchain.