How Marketing Guru Paul Getter Went From 9–5 To Prime Time

Tony Delgado
Influencer Magazine
3 min readAug 28, 2019
Paul Getter Has Over 1 Million Followers On Instagram

Paul Getter, known as the Internet Marketing Nerd, wasn’t always a successful advertising guru in the digital space. He started his career at a 9–5 office job for a tyrannical boss. This setting allowed Getter to learn exactly how not to run a business! Tired of working in this toxic and uninspired environment, Paul Getter realized that he could certainly be a better leader than his boss. After making one final attempt to communicate with the boss for the sake of the coworkers he would leave behind, Paul Getter quit his job and started his journey to Internet marketing success.

Getter soon followed the advice of a friend that suggested he join Facebook, which was relatively new at the time. After noticing that businesses and smaller companies were marketing on Facebook, Getter decided to create a Facebook page for his church. This proved to be a pivotal decision in his journey to Internet marketing leader. When Paul Getter spoke to new church attendees, he found that they had discovered his church through the Facebook page. Getter said, “It was at that point that I realized, look, Facebook is more than just a game; it’s more than just a fun place, but this is a place where there was business opportunities — where I could connect with people.”

Paul Getter began to see Internet advertisements as business tools and opportunities to connect with potential customers and help his clients grow massive following online. He realized that marketing on the Internet was the way of the future and pivotal for businesses to stay alive and thrive.

When listening to the radio shortly after, Paul Getter heard an advertisement for a company. He called the radio station to get an estimate on the price of the minute-long ad he heard. Getter realized that radio advertisements were not only limited in the reach they had, but were significantly more expensive than Internet ads. He reached out to the company and encouraged them to consider re-thinking their marketing strategy, which was focused on television and radio ads, and shift towards marketing on Facebook. He even spoke to the company’s CEO. Unfortunately, the CEO turned him down and brushed off the suggestion as something that was “outdated” or not right for their business.

Determined to show the potential of Internet marketing, Getter found the company’s CEO on Facebook and created an advertisement targeting the CEO personally. He used information from the CEO’s profile and created the perfect ad. The next time he went online, the CEO noticed the ad and was shocked! He was astounded that Paul Getter was able to create such a personal and specific ad with such limited information. Getter was able to help the CEO understand what he hopes business leaders of today also see: “There’s so many different opportunities that are available through Facebook marketing. You’ve got [customer] targeting that is unparalleled when it comes to advertising online, the size of the audience that you can target people, and the amount of time that people spend on Facebook — it makes them a captive audience, and it’s cheap traffic that has great potential of reaching people.”

Paul Getter explained that you can focus on many details using Internet marketing like Facebook ads — customer age, location, needs, preferences, or shopping tendencies. Getter further explained that Facebook marketing can potentially cut a company’s advertising expenses in half while offering similar, or better, results when compared to more traditional marketing forms, such as radio or television campaigns.

Today, Paul is a leader in his industry, running a multi-million dollar social media business and having over 1 million followers on Instagram. Paul Getter is still passionate about helping others unlock the great potential of Internet marketing. By becoming invested in his clients on a personal level and striving to see them succeed, Getter has risen through the ranks to become one of the top ad spenders on Facebook. As technology pushes more customers online, Getter’s Internet marketing techniques will likely become even more important for companies to stay competitive, hopefully allowing others to obtain the same success he has. Paul Getter is the personification of his personal motto: “A nerd today is your boss tomorrow.”



Tony Delgado
Influencer Magazine

Tony Delgado ( @disruptceo ) is a Puerto Rican-American software developer, businessman, activist, philanthropist and tech entrepreneur.