5 Little Known Ways Influencers Drive Content Marketing

Jeff Meade
Influencer Marketing Made Easy
3 min readAug 17, 2018
Photo by Elijah O’Donell

Influencer marketing is trending for both B2C and B2B brands. It helps that partnerships with influencers can help drive content marketing campaign goals. Here’s how.

A little context

Content marketing uses different forms of content as a business asset. These can include blogs, white papers, how-to guides, case studies, thought leadership articles…. The content will be created to serve a campaign goal while speaking to the brand’s customers and is typically published and promoted on many digital channels.

The influencer is someone with an established audience and credibility in the target niche. This can be a major celebrity or a micro-influencer who is less well-known but has a devoted following in a particular target market area.

So, how exactly do the two work hand-in-hand? There are actually several ways a brand influencer can help drive your content marketing.

#1 Co-Creating Content

You’ve partnered with influencers because they know and are trusted by your audience. Your market listens to what these individuals have to say. So, invite the influencer to share an Instagram story or bring together several influencers to serve as a panel on an online webinar. Co-create online videos together. Interview several of your influencers on a hot trend in the industry and you can publish a Q&A with several expert names drawing people in.

#2 Repurposing Content

Influencers can give more life to content you have already published. Freshen it up and ask your influencers to get the word out to their followers that you’ve got a great guide or ebook available.

Or, if you’ve already co-created content with that influencer, find ways to repurpose what exists already. For instance, you might turn that Q&A with several experts into fodder for an infographic or turn it into a podcast or video series.

84% of marketers repurpose influencer content on their organic social channels. — Linqia

#3 Highlighting the Relationship

In producing brand content consider ways in which you can incorporate quotes from the influencer or link to that individual’s material from your post. Highlighting your partnerships with influencers helps your brand authenticity.

You have access to someone who has cultivated a community, take advantage of the opportunities. Even having a testimonial quote from a well-known individual on your white paper can help garner attention for that content.

72% of marketers use influencer marketing to improve the performance of paid social programs. — Linqia

#4 Mentioning on Social

Not only should you be promoting any co-created content on your own social channels, but also you can expect the influencer to do the same. An @mention of the influencer on Instagram, for instance, can make it easier for your influencer to regram your content to their followers.

Posting a thanks message that names the influencers who helped co-create the content could also lead to greater awareness as they like, link, and regard your post of gratitude.

#5 Sharing Ideas

Keep in mind that your influencers are well-known for their perspective and ability to set trends. So, be open to the ways the influencer might suggest you deliver content differently. Listen to pitches for collaborations. Consider off your radar approaches to content marketing. This is how you’re going to do that something different that helps your brand stand out while you continue to build a strong relationship with an influencer who will now feel the relationship is a reciprocal one.

Building, nurturing, and maintaining relationships with influencers can bring many benefits. Adding momentum to your content marketing is just one way in which these individuals can help with lead generation, brand awareness, and more.

About Jeff

Email me at jeff@themeadecompany.com if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how I help marketing agencies earn status, attract new customers and grow their business.

You can connect with me on Linkedin.

