A 7-Day Manifestation Planner For Success

Shawn Keo
Influencer Creation
4 min readSep 26, 2018

Some of the world’s most successful people: entrepreneurs, ceos and influencers — are early risers. Many studies suggest, there is a correlation between early morning routines and success. But what if, waking up early isn’t what makes you successful?

For further readings and interviews of some of our successful influencers’ and their routine, go to influencercreation.com/blog

Yet, getting up early and being in the morning spirit is essentially a part of the process. The other part, (almost effortless) is a 7-day inner work planner that will create a structured proactive personality leading up to success. This is a spiritual practice that is entirely based on your mindset and emotions.

In fact these fundamentals are highly encouraged by many spiritual influencers and leaders from around the world. The best part? — The less effort, the better.

You begin by asking yourself: what does your kind of success look like, and what is it that you really desire? Then concentrate on that vision and incorporate the manifestation practices into your daily routine.

Success is not what you have, but what you ARE. “Just BE”.

Inspired by Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, we’ve broken down the principles into daily practices/affirmations (factoring in proper communication/expression, channeling, and commitment) to transform your thoughts into reality.

Sunday: BE SILENT.

Take a few minutes away from your usual Sunday Netflix binge, and rather watch the quietness around you. Try the silent meditation for about 30–60 minutes — or 10 is suffice. Don’t overthink it, just tune into the silence and nothing else. It’s not about the noiseless environment but more about appreciating and witnessing the life of every living component you see. Turn off your phone and remove any other distractions for the day.

Remind yourself not to judge and sit silently in your own presence.

Monday: BE GIVING.

Send everyone that comes in your way a gift of some kind. Could be anything big or small…flowers, coffee, thoughts of appreciation, or moreover, compliments. Today is the day where everything you give out is genuinely from your heart and anything you get (such as a smile in return) should be received gracefully. Mondays doesn’t have to be bitter and boring, when you can be flushed with good spirits.


Today is the day you should be more aware of your decisions. Try thinking of the people in your life and make sure you consider all possible outcomes before you take any major action. Ask yourself if your choices will bring you happiness and success to others. In other words, look inside your heart and see if your decision feels comfortable to you or not. Then make the best choice that will work for you and all those around you.

This practice is about sending out karmic energy that will generate an effect back to you. Choosing to take actions that bring happiness to others will return the same flow of energy.

Wednesday: BE ACCEPTING.

Practice acceptance today. It means don’t get frustrated with the problems you can’t fix and let it be. It takes up so much energy to stress over a cause that has no solution. Keep in mind that there is no point to struggle with a situation in which you cannot change and that it is better to just simply accept it.

The least you try to hold on, the more you are naturally creating the positive flow of new opportunities.


Write down a list of all your desires and keep it with you at all times. Remind yourself of every intention and send those thoughts out to the cosmic energy. Stay focus of what it is you truly desire and think about it as you go about your day to day activities.

Cosmic energy is also known as the energy of Supreme Consciousness and Intelligence.


Separate yourself from all the insecurities and negative attachments in your life. Remove that mask and be you. Today is the day where you let yourself and others go.

Break free from the prison of your past.

Do not control or force a situation. Allow yourself to absorb the influence of freedom and uncertainty. The matter will take care of itself if you surrender yourself and others to be as they are. You will notice that this practice of detachment will open yourself to all known and unknown possibilities.


Ask yourself today, “what is my purpose in life?” Today is the day where you find your purpose by discovering what it is that you really love to do and embrace it.

Connect with your body, mind, and spirit; and awaken yourself as one.

Everyone has a unique gift and purpose. Once you find yours, embrace it by applying it in synchronicity with others.

Won’t be easy. This is not a one-time destination or a task to be checked off from a list, but a life-long practice where you dig deeper within yourself.

