About Us + Submission Guidelines

Shawn Keo
Influencer Creation
2 min readSep 20, 2018


There are so many inspiring stories from amazing people around the world who has their own unique life experiences and are influencing others everyday, just by sharing their story.

Which is why we created this space. Influencer Creation is not about us…it’s about your story. We are a community that share experiences, creativity, and insights for everyone to get inspired, learn, and grow together.

If you are interested in becoming a new contributor, please fill out this form.

How did Influencer Creation came about?

We want Influencer Creation to feel like an inspiration for you and for anyone devoting their life to building their own brand.

Submission Guidelines

· We accept both unpublished and previously published pieces. Also let us know if you are sending multiple submissions, like other Medium publications, or other blog sites.

· When filling out the form, please provide a Medium draft link to your work. If you don‘t have a Medium account, you’ll need to create one.

*It’s possible that your piece may not be accepted if it:

· contains too many typos, grammatical errors, etc. Also, we don’t tolerate plagiarized work.

· Has overt racist, violent or sexist overtones. 1) We’re a loving community 2) Take your hate somewhere else.

We’ll let you know if your writing is accepted for publication.

You can then formally submit your story (by clicking the “” in top right corner, then click “Add to Publication” and select Influencer Creation from the list).

If you have any additional questions, email us at influencercreation@gmail.com.

We look forward to reading your work!

