I Can’t Breathe — from Metaphor to Metaforce

Shawn Keo
Influencer Creation
4 min readJun 25, 2020

“I can’t breathe” — resonating the world’s pain and cries and making real change happen

This is a non-breathing pattern that keeps happening, but not just to one matter, to all living matters.

First, you have the dangers of global warming with nature running out of breath. Then you have the worldwide pandemic Covid-19, a disease that literally takes millions of breath away and still counting.

Now, many can no longer breathe because of police violence and demonstrations for racial justice. Hopefully it ends here.

“I can’t breathe” in many different ways possible suffocates everyone and everything — an all living matter issue not to be ignored.

So how can we, as a collective, channel our frustration into an effective form of action in order to make real change happen for our future?

The turning point for 2020 — First and foremost, we hope everyone can come together as a united front, rather than taking one issue and making it exclusive.

Because being human right now means we should respect and support the justification of black lives to matter seriously along with the living matters of our planet, our home.

Our hopes and fears about the future or how our history will be written all depends on whether we choose to address all the matters that underlies in this moment.

OK, you’re thinking “I’m just one person, so what can I do?” — This is where you can start and get involved.

For Starters:

  1. READ and SHARE the content and resources we have available in this blog post as well as on our platform at INFLUENCER CREATION
  • These are some guides to anti-racism resources
  • Click on the post below to show your support on social media.
  • Tag #influencercreation and tell us your story, what is your experience on the matter, and importantly, how are you really doing with everything that’s going on right now?




  • Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coats — This deep and profound book will shed some light and help gain some perspective on #blacklivesmatter, and why that phrase is much more than all lives matter.
  • European Network Against Racism is a pan-European anti-racism network that advocates for racial equality and facilitates cooperation among civil society anti-racism actors in Europe.


If you know of other organizations or free resources that might help support our message, please do let us know at info@influencercreation.com

“So the bottom line is this: if we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We have to mobilize to raise awareness, and we have to organize and cast our ballots to make sure that we elect candidates who will act on reform.” (Excerpt from How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change — Barack Obama)

Keep Hope

We the people can’t change the world overnight. But if we keep our spirits up and continue to be hopeful, we believe there will be real progress, real change.

We urge everyone to help us research, share, and contribute in any way you can!

Now, to top off our love, here is an image of this cuteness overload.

insta: world_cutest_piggys

because who doesn’t need this right now.:)

At INFLUENCER CREATION we stand with the Black Community and acknowledge their fight for Freedom, Liberation, and Justice.

We just published our recent segment creating a directory of black-owned businesses to support. Check it out on our website. More on www.influencercreation.com/blog

