The critical move beyond fear

Dr. Cynthia Miller
Influencer Creation
8 min readSep 16, 2019

Choose a new reality beyond fear where you thrive!

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Humanity is at a critical stage, we need to make some drastic changes or we will kill ourselves off. Either from the radical contamination in the environment, toxic food, polluted water, and air, or we will kill each other off with our fear, hatred, and wars. Either way, time is running out.

But, there is another picture of reality emerging, that of a world based on cooperation, respect, and love.

The news shows us daily that both realities are gaining momentum. As with all growth, a breakthrough and chaos will prevail.

Two divergent factors are at play

The first is the dying downward spiral of fear. This fear is encouraged daily with the news, especially fake news. The way our bodies work, the internal fear response can’t differentiate between a horror movie and real life. So, when we read fake news, we respond like it’s really happening.

I know this well from my own experience. Fear ran rampant in my family. My Dad built bombs. Fucking nuclear bombs. He was the chief engineer in charge of every nuclear device built in the United States for fourteen years. I grew up in an environment of fear, junk food, sugar, and weapons-grade radiation; all toxins that kept my body in a state of panic, terror, and fear. I was sick all the time, pain-wracked my body, fear kept me stuck, feeling worthless and useless.

Fear keeps the brain and nervous system riled up so we can’t function fully. When in a state of fear the higher reasoning doesn’t function. That’s how we’re biologically wired. There are three neurological responses when fear sets in; fight, flight, or freeze. In a state of panic, the ability to create and come up with new ideas is restrained.

Rise above the fear

And then, there’s a whole group of people who are rising above the fear, looking inside, and making internal and external changes. This is the upward cycle based on love. These two cycles are spiraling, the question is which one will win? Which one will overtake the other?

Will it be fear, destruction, or killing in wars? More hatred?

Or will the higher frequency of love prevail? More and more people are being pulled by the energy of love. The question is will this higher vibration reach a critical mass before humanity has completely annihilated itself?

Mass media

In the old paradigm, killing was a way to keep safe. Kill them before they kill you. Team up with ‘like-minded others’ to keep your family, country, or religion safe. That’s the thinking of the caveman, but, the ancient fear program still runs deep in our bodies.

The craziness of corporation’s and government‘s power-hungry exploitation of others for their own greed is supported by mass media. There are the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’. The only problem is that the ‘good guys’ are just better at getting you to believe their crap. Their brand of bullshit triggers your neural programs so you vote for them or buy their products. Call it propaganda, advertising, being brainwashed, it’s all related.

Somehow it’s been OK to be brainwashed about what kind of soft drink or car to buy. Advertising has been perfecting this process diligently since the 50s. The process of knowing how to trigger the unconscious has been hidden from the masses for decades and is just now coming to the surface. A good example is the Netflix movie The Great Hack. The Great Hack blends in details about Facebook, Cambridge Analytics and the election results. Ad-targeting data and computer technology are merged with how to manipulate the unconscious to get people to act a certain way.

“As whistleblower Christopher Wylie succinctly puts it later in the film (The Great Hack), Cambridge Analytica isn’t a data science firm, but a “full-service propaganda machine.”

It’s the entire business model of Silicon Valley, which has incentivized the use of personal data to manipulate human behavior on a massive scale.” — Janus Rose

‘Persuadables,’ the people whose profiles suggested that they could be manipulated, were targeted with content tailor-made to trigger their deepest fears and insecurities. A new massive global social experiment is taking place where a few people decide how to reshape the world by triggering our unconscious neural programming.

Society, governments, and religion use the media to keep you enslaved in your old neural programs. You buy and vote with your unconscious, willingly siphoning your sacred currency so someone else gets massively rich, and you end up depleted, tired, and fed up. This shit goes so deep it’s hard to see where it ends and where the real you begins.

Can you imagine trying to control a bunch of people and get them to spend money or vote the way you want them to if everyone was following their own inner guidance? The mass media marketing would no longer work. We would be acting from our deepest souls intentions rather than old neural programming.

What’s your neurology have to do with it?

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, we’re all running on neural programs laid down by the time we were six or seven. So, the world is run by six-year-olds, and when you look at global affairs that seems very true.

Imagine you’re back in school as a six-year-old. A patch of cement fenced in with a chain-link fence where bullies rule the playground. That’s pretty much what’s happening on the world scale politically.

The chain-link fence is like a prison, but it’s not outside, it’s wired inside your body keeping you trapped, feeling like there’s nothing that can be done. The system is bigger than you are, so you give up. The system is set up to keep you powerless and to siphon your energy.

It’s all wired in your neural programming. The good news is that you can consciously change the neurology that runs your life. The truth is you do have the capacity to leave the old playground behind and jump over into a new one.

Prerequisites to jump to a higher frequency

The antidote is to love yourself. Trust your guts. Honor your inner truth. You are the only one who knows your path, it won’t look like anyone else’s.

Make the jump to your next higher frequency where your body, soul, mind, and higher-self become harmonized, playing together to create the masterpiece of your dreams. Set your intention and then watch it unfold in a much more beautiful, awesome way than you could ever imagine.

From my perspective, what I see is that humanity needs to evolve to sustain this higher frequency of love.

It’s not all about white light, crystals, and sparkles. It’s not about meditation where you connect with the external divine source and leave the lower part of your body behind. It’s not about killing your ego. You need your ego. Ego is an internal mechanism that connects you with all creation. Ego has been usurped by patriarchy to make you believe that you are a separate, isolated individual. This hijacked ego creates a facade of self-importance to hide the inner disconnect from source.

The backdrop of your life

We don’t often think of the backdrop of life because it’s always been there. It’s like a fish thinking about the water it swims in. We take for granted the neurological basis of our lives.

But, Dr. Bruce Lipton has shown us that 95% of our neural impulses are unconscious and only 5% are conscious. So it’s clear that the unconscious is running our lives. The unconscious is filled with patterns of patriarchy, unworthiness, and the basic frequency of fear.

For eons, fear was the basis for survival. Fear of being attacked and eaten by a predator. Fear of no food. Fear being killed by extreme heat or cold, and major weather events. This reality, based on fear is known as the third dimension.

New Frequency

We are entering a new era. We can move beyond fear to a higher frequency. This higher frequency has been named by some as the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is characterized by love, the realization that we are all connected, and the acceptance of unseen energies and forces that assist in humanities well-being.

These are some of the things that change as you move from 3-D to 5-D:

  • The wiring in your body needs to upgrade to a higher frequency.
  • Patterns of lack of self-worth transform.
  • Unconscious layers of shit need to be cleared out.
  • Feminine energy rises up to meet the status of masculine energy.
  • Points of view change.
  • Perceptions open to new realities.
  • Multi-dimensional energies and frequencies become more conscious, visible, and available.

Signs of the new

Depression, knowing there’s more to life than what you’re living, and inner agitation, are all signs of the inner call for you to evolve. Instead of drugging yourself up, give yourself permission to expand into a greater version of who you really are.

What has been deemed crazy by the third dimension is what will assist you in the fifth dimension.

For the first time in recorded history, we have the opportunity to consciously evolve. What this means is to look inside at your unconscious programs of hatred, lack of self-worth, self-hatred, and inner war.

In order to connect with the fifth dimension, the neural pathways in your body, your wiring, need to be able to hold a higher frequency. Imagine an old house with faulty wiring being upgraded to fiber optics. That same upgrade needs to take place in your body, otherwise, you’ll burn out, get fried, or feel overwhelmed.

Currently, most people’s DNA is covered in shadows. The shadows are the limiting beliefs and patterns that have been passed down for generations. Imagine a 50 million-year-old computer where the motherboard was never upgraded. Old computer programs run in the background creating glitches and disrupt the newer computer programs. That’s what’s happening in your brain and DNA. You have the power to clean up the mess. It’s about looking in the unconscious and bringing it to consciousness.

This process is not for the faint of heart. It requires looking at all the old crap, nasty gremlins, and spooky horrors that are hiding in the recesses of your unconscious. You can’t just sprinkle a little light, say a few affirmations or mantras, and be done with it. You have to dive in and clean up the stinky shit.

When you do, what is revealed is magnificent beyond words.

Since it’s an internal state that hasn’t been known by many before, there’s no adequate vocabulary to describe the feeling, inner peace, and radiant joy.

The path of evolution

What’s happening on this path of evolution is that the inner backdrop or the veils between realities start to dissolve. A new expanded vision and world view are seen and experienced.

As your unconscious becomes conscious, and the shadows and junk around your DNA clears, a whole new ground of being is present for your life. This sounds like the stuff of a sci-fi movie, but it’s here, now, present, and attainable. You just have to do the inner work.

More and more people are doing their part to connect to the new grid of love and becoming aware of the network uniting everyone and everything. Each person is adding their vision to co-create a new world and a new humanity.

It’s an exciting time to be alive on earth. Many of us have chosen to be here now to participate in this massive evolutionary shift from the frequency of fear to the frequency of love. It’s time to thrive!

Dr. Cynthia is one of the mystics who embodied on earth at this profound moment of human evolution to assist in co-creating a new reality. Follow her on Instagram

She has a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and is on the cutting edge of the paradigm shift. Discover more and explore working with Dr. Cynthia; she works with clients all over the world!



Dr. Cynthia Miller
Influencer Creation

A visionary, pathbreaker, & leader in Cellular Transformation & Conscious Multidimensional Evolution; author of Unseen Connections: A Memoir