Jean Henri de Talcott, Chief Logistics Officer:

Jean-Paul Faraj
2 min readJan 4, 2022


The Chief Logistics Officer oversees the technical administration and organization of mission components by planning, coordinating, and managing operations in order to deliver needed inventory or personnel to the various departments on the Arvad.

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The head of the Logistics Department, Jean Henri de Talcott, is a man with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of what is stored in the holds and warehouses around the Arvad, and where he last saw it. He has a keen mind for spatial perception and planning exactly which movements will let him get something from where it is to where it is going most efficiently. A hands-on leader, he can often be found leading warehouse workers in person.

A long career working in variable gravity has made Jean Henri very graceful anywhere from full gravity on the outer edge of the Arvad’s spinning sections all the way down to the null gee inside the ship’s vast keel. He has a rare combination of hobbies to match: he’s an agile AstroBall player and also a skilled dancer. He’s especially fond of formal dance, and knows many dances as well as he knows his warehouses. The full-body movements required for the most flashy and elaborate dances are his favorite to perform, as he feels they draw attention away from his facial scarring.

Despite his very French name — which he will always correct if someone tries to call him “Gene Henry” — he’s an anglophone. Over the many generations aboard the Arvad, his ancestors have slowly lost their mother tongue despite a valiant effort at keeping it alive. Jean Henri peppers his speech with the occasional French word or phrase, but he isn’t able to hold a conversation in it. English is the lingua franca aboard, and limited pools of native speakers of other languages can rarely hold out against it across the long years.

Written by: Matthew A DeBarth


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Jean-Paul Faraj

Jean-Paul Faraj is the Head of Community and Partnerships for Unstoppable Games, helping bring to life Influence, a space strategy MMO built on the blockchain.