Petros Vallois, Chief Technology Officer

Jean-Paul Faraj
2 min readJan 18, 2022


“The Chief Technology Officer is not only responsible for assisting all departments on the Arvad with the use of their inherited technology, but also the creation and implementation of any new technology developed on the ship.”

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The thing that separates humans from animals — why the animals are stuck back on Earth and the humans are spreading out across the interstellar void with frozen fertilized animal ovums in storage — is the application of technology. Petros Vallois, the CTO of the Arvad, has listened in on a lot of philosophical arguments over the years between the Chief Archivist, the Chief Cook, and the Entertainment Director about what quality makes humans human but, ultimately, humans are tool users. The sharpened rock to the iron blade to the scalpel to the electron microscope. The wheel to the wing to the rocket to the torch drive. Tools. Applied technology.

Of course, at the small scale, “applied technology” is mostly a lot of people asking the Technology Department why their email isn’t sending or why this link is dead or why their Muse wasn’t getting the battery life they remembered it getting. Petros tries to be good-spirited about solving these day-to-day problems for others. Managing humans’ hundred thousand year partnership with their complex tools is his job and his passion, after all.

When he isn’t attending to his formal duties or his informal tech support, Petros likes to continue exploring technology. He spends hours coding, building small electrical devices, exploring fractal art, and composing electronic music from purely digital sources. He enjoys finding ways of filtering even the most analog of human pursuits through a lens of technology, since applied technology is the most fundamental human pursuit.

Written by: Matthew A DeBarth


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Jean-Paul Faraj

Jean-Paul Faraj is the Head of Community and Partnerships for Unstoppable Games, helping bring to life Influence, a space strategy MMO built on the blockchain.