The Adalian Creators Collective

Jean-Paul Faraj
3 min readJun 8, 2022


Hello Adalians,

Web3 offers unique new ways for communities to engage with and contribute to the games and projects they grow up around. Influence strives to embrace this by offering community members a direct way to participate while offering Influence asset-owners the ability to vote on rewarding members for their contributions. Moving forward we will continue down the path towards decentralization giving community members the power to help steer Influence.

Presenting Influence’s “Adalian Creators Collective” (ACC).

What is the ACC?

The ACC is a community content creation competition, where the community creates and votes on their favorite projects.

Rewarding developers, creatives, artists, and content creators who help educate, grow, and share Influence with community and masses.

What kind of projects count?

  • Video Guides
  • Written Articles
  • Community Applications
  • Quality Artwork
  • Infographic
  • Music

Find more detailed information regarding projects we love to see created and shared is here:

*NOTE: Projects that exhibit lack of effort, skill, or seriousness may be disqualified.

How can I submit my project?

Creators/developers will be able to submit their projects monthly to our “Adalian Creator Collective” form HERE. Each project will then be added to the Snapshot vote at the end of each cycle.

Qualified projects will also be posted within our #community-projects Discord channel and on social media in our featured weekly community project thread.

We encourage all Adalian Creators to share their work on socials after you complete your project. We will also have a running list of projects for each cycle within the Discord.

How can I vote on a project?

When voting is live on project submissions, owners of Influence assets will be able to delegate their votes among as many projects as they choose.

We will announce in our Discord, on Twitter, and in Emails when voting for project submissions is live.

(Asteroid/Land owners voting power is calculated by the surface area of the land they own. Quadratic Voting will be used)

Can I submit my project that was created prior to this voting mechanism?

Absolutely! Ultimately the community will decide what is worthy to vote on and who receives rewards.

However, projects that do not directly involve Influence or the community will be disqualified at the discretion of the team.

Can I submit more than one project?

Creators can also submit multiple projects each cycle, but we will cap it at a limit of two per party. (if caught trying to abuse this you will be banned from submitting further projects)

Can I submit the same project in the next cycle?

Yes, you can submit the same project multiple cycles, given that there have been significant upgrades/changes to the project. (Artwork however is limited to one time submission per piece)

How much can I be rewarded?

The allotment of SWAY to be delegated to this initiative is currently being voted on now. Once the community decides on the allocation of SWAY we will announce more detailed information about how much SWAY participants can earn for participating.

The amount of SWAY allocated to this is for prior to the release of Exploitation. Once the game launches a new system will be created.

ACC Reward Structure:

  • 25% will go to the top two projects
  • 75% will go to the rest of the projects weighted by % of votes received, but capped at max the amount earned by project #2
  • Projects that do not directly involve Influence or the community will be disqualified at the discretion of the team.

*NOTE: We will ensure fairness after the first month and review our reward structure to see if we need to adjust. So if anything is out of sorts we can resolve it and have the community vote on a new structure.

Time to Vote!

Starting today we are opening up an initial vote to decide between .05% to .5% of the initial distribution of SWAY for this initiative. Owners of Influence assets have the opportunity to vote on the total allocation of SWAY. Voting ends Tuesday, 06.14.2022. After the vote completes our first round of ACC project submissions will begin.

Let’s create!

Gain exposure, have fun, and potentially earn rewards for your creativity and efforts. Join 10k+ community members and show your skills, passions, and talents off, and start creating today!


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Jean-Paul Faraj

Jean-Paul Faraj is the Head of Community and Partnerships for Unstoppable Games, helping bring to life Influence, a space strategy MMO built on the blockchain.