Why brands want to work with micro influencers in 2018

An influencer is an influencer you would say. However, there are significant differences between micro, macro and top influencers. Just to give you a better understanding of what this means in terms of followers

Jolique Möller
2 min readNov 6, 2017

Micro influencers: between 5.000–25.000 followers
Macro influencers: between 25.000–100.000 followers
Top influencers: 100.000+ followers

We’ve seen a true transition this year where big brands wanted to collaborate with micro influencers. They were tired of paying top influencers big money. Not that working with top influencers is a bad thing. Brands were missing the enthusiasm of top influencers and it felt like they accepted a collaboration for the wrong reasons.

Top influencers are working on many sponsored deals and some of their accounts look quite saturated. This is not the case with micro influencers. Micro influencers are highly creative individuals who started creating content from a great passion for a specific niche like fashion, food, travel, lifestyle, health, beauty. They are very consistent with the content they produce, the times they post and maintaining their online relationships.

You can really see that micro influencers who want to grow feel the pressure to stand out. They have to stay true to themselves and their followers in order to become bigger. Micro influencers will think twice before they post something. It’s key to create authentic content. This will gain credibility and a higher engagement score than any other influencer out there.

It’s not about ‘bigger is better’ anymore. We want relevancy instead of reaching millions. That’s why more and more brands will work with micro influencers in 2018 because:

  1. It’s more authentic
  2. Bigger engagement
  3. Spread of budget
  4. Reach a specific target group
  5. Power of repetition
  6. Quality over quantity

I just created a new Instagram account for Jolique Today and I really take this seriously. My goal is to create engaging content in the field of start ups and influencer marketing. Every picture I post needs to fit in my feed. It’s not easy to start all over again but it so much fun.

My engagement rate is bigger than ever. It’s easy to calculate an engagement rate. Engagement rate for Instagram is the number of the total engagement received by an Instagram account over a time period as a percentage of followers, the equation is engagement rate = (engagement / followers) x 100%. Engagement is anytime an user likes or comments one of your posts. This equation will help you looking for real micro influencers.

Good luck!

