Starter Guide to ASCIIMath

Vansh Gambhir
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2018

ASCIIMath converts text that you type into mathematical symbols. This tutorial will introduce you to the ASCIIMath notation.

1. Words and Equations

To convert any regular text into ASCIIMath, all you have to do is include it inside two backticks (`). The backticks help differentiate between regular text and math text. For example:

Equations in ASCIIMath

As you can see, all the text inside the backticks looks like it’s in a different font.

Note: The ` key is normally next to the 1 key on the keyboard.

2. Symbols

Formulae in ASCIIMath

If you need to use a mathematical symbol, look it up in the symbol list. Basic operations and symbols work like how you would expect them to. For addition and subtraction, you can just use the symbols on the keyboard. For greek letters, you can type the name of the letter. For example:

3. Indices and subscripts

To get an index we use the symbol ^ (the one right over 6). Use brackets if there are mixed characters involved. For example:

Indices in ASCIIMath

The underscore symbol (_) is used for subscripts and they work in the same way as indices. For example:

Subscripts in ASCIIMath

There you go! Now you know the basics of ASCIIMath, to practice more, you can go to:

