In-Person Developer Conferences to Attend in 2022

Ivan Burazin
Infobip Developers
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2022

If you’re looking for a list of only in-person developer conferences in 2022, read on.

Infobip Shift Developer Conference courtesy of Infobip

After the last two years of conference delays, migrations to virtual or flat out cancellations, thanks to a handful of successful in-person conferences last year, it seems that 2022 will finally be the year we go back to in-person events.

Of course 2022 is not without its issues, and with new variants of the pandemic appearing around the globe some organizers are still opting out to go full in-person. Which is why if you are like me, and really miss the in person experience, it’s really to find which events are actually happening.

This year we at plan to attend, speak and sponsor a lot of in-person conferences, and in the process of researching we ended up creating a list of In- person Conferences that will take place in 2022. This list is comprised of both Developer and general tech conferences that I subjectively believe are worth attending.

The conferences are listy by date and have added some tags to the to better orient if they are a fit for you.

In-Person Developer Conferences

Below you will find an embedded Airtable with the following; names, dates, locations and URLs of the in-person conferences.

Of course this is a live document, so some conferences might end up being canceled or going virtual, while others might later in the year decide to go full in-person. So if you find such instances please message me on @ivanburazin and I’ll update this table.

Hope it helps, and if you’re at any of these events please do reach out and we can grab a coffee.

