3 Steps to Refresh your Ideas and Become Creative.

How do you get new ideas fast and easy?

Paulina Banska
The Bloggers
4 min readFeb 8, 2021


Photo by Philipp Berndt on Unsplash

There are just too many things to do and little free time for what we would like to do. The opposite paradox is that even there is time but not a very productive day to get creative ideas. In both ways, we are just stuck in space and time slots.

I am running my own business, and I am on maternity with a nine months old baby. I also look after my dad with health issues. Sometimes I have thought if humans don't need to eat and instead of food, we would take only pills as astronauts in the cosmos, not necessarily to clean a house and wash clothes. How much time would we save?

So on my typical day, I usually have 1–2 hours in the morning (if I don’t need to cook and have leftovers from the previous day) and 1–2 hours in the afternoon. And it depends on my girl baby boss, how long she is willing to sleep. I get help from my amazing husband, but he has a serious job, so we must use time management. Evening and night are for me; a no go for working as I need to sleep.

Becoming overwhelmed with tasks at home, at work, and using sufficient time to produce as much work as is possible is killing our creativity and creating stress. It is not efficient.

Pushing for more jobs and pursuing our dream castles takes us a few steps back. We lose the quality of our outcomes or miss the stage between our growing process.

I figured out that specific rules can help achieve dream goals faster and uniquely.

Rule #1 Organize your environment.

Throw out clothes you do not wear, old school materials, books you won’t read, jewellery, anything holding your attention, and that feels like an elephant sitting on your shoulders.

I spent one day cleaning the kitchen and ordering food. It happens that I cook and spend 5 minutes looking for my quinoa. 5 minutes extra is solid gold for me. I try to cook for at least two days, and I keep it simple. Only weekends are for complicated foods and baking. :)

Do you know how you know that you organized your environment well?

You feel it in you, and suddenly you start to have a good feeling about it. You want to sit and have a coffee after all. It is a feeling I want you to get.

Rule #2 Gain motivation during the multitasking

Do you know what the most valuable investment in our life is? It is a constant education.

I can not stress more than to start gaining motivation by listening to professionals, gain more knowledge. I always spend time on education while I am doing something else. And you know what? I unconsciously remember the most when I am doing something other than sitting and listening or reading.

Before my daughter falls asleep in the pushchair, I take an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon to walk and listen to podcasts, courses, and YouTube while she is falling asleep. Sometimes I am in quiet mode, thinking and planning in my mind the next steps I should take. When I am out in the fresh air, I am getting the most creative ideas for my business. When I need to take notes, I always do it on my phone. I am trying to be organized as much as possible.

Rule # 3 Do something completely different and don’t think.

Relaxing. Meditating. I am terrible at this rule.
To not think is the most challenging thing our mind is capable of.

I am trying hard to complete my work tasks during “free” time, and I forget to do things I enjoy. Sit and watch TV- I haven’t done it for months. And I even forget to breathe.
Let's stop right now and consider your breathing!
Have you ever realized that our running mind creates shallow breathing? I have learned it later, observing my own breathing. Why not just plug in the busiest time, close your eyes and breathe deeply. It doesn’t need to last an hour, only a few minutes.

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday — unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon

This quote reflecting our entire purpose of living. It is something magic behind our human life we don’t control and recognize. In other words, maybe we should take it all easy.

Wrap up

If you are calm and relaxed, you would be able to do more things in less time. Therefore, getting your work done in less time is possible, it very much depends on mind set up and attitude. Thus: when you feel distracted- clean your environment. Rather than spend time for physical tidying, tidy your thoughts. You can play podcasts or documentaries during your physical tidying and listen to audiobooks- anything related to your professional interest — Reserve time to meditate every day. Sit and breathe, that is all. I love to do it by looking at the lake and the trees around me. It creates magic in your ordinary life.

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Paulina Banska
The Bloggers

I help owners and sales in B2B to sell better with a human face. Creator of the course “30 prospects in 3 months.”