Earn Money Online : Why Use Affiliate Marketing to Make Money Today

Joy Healey
The Bloggers
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2021


You’re probably aware that there are many get-rich-quick, money-making ideas that people may be tempted into — especially if they are desperate and broke.

  • Many just don’t work at all — for instance, broken software.
  • Others WILL work but not as easily as the online promotional material promises.
  • Others are illegal and likely to be shut down, with loss of your money and credibility.
  • A very few will work for the right reasons.

The truth is that there are no get rich quick, money-making ideas! Just ideas that are sound. Ideas that work — but only if YOU work.

One of the most common ideas is to promote a product, sell it and make a profit on the sale. So obviously it needs to be a product or service that will benefit the person who uses it.

This can be where beginners ‘fall down’ at the first hurdle because they either have an idea they get fixated on — but it’s SO specific that no-one is interested on buying it. OR it could be that they choose a product that’s so heavily promoted elsewhere that you need to be an expert marketer to beat the competition, whose product could be much better than yours anyway.



Joy Healey
The Bloggers

Joy Healey helps baby-boomers fund their retirement without technical skills. https://linktr.ee/joyhealey