How To Make Money Online When You Can’t Work

Joy Healey
The Bloggers
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2021


Image by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay

Sometimes life gets too much for you — burn-out — and you have to stop work for a while. But the bills keep coming in. If you’re self-employed there’s no cushion. So it makes sense to design your income strategy so that there’ll still be money coming in if you can’t work.

Let’s get this straight, right from the beginning. For most of us, there’s NO magic money tree — either offline or on the Internet, however much the slick-sounding Internet coaches try to tell you.

I should know. I’ve been taken in, more than once, until I finally saw the light.

What I Intended To Happen

In fairness to myself, I started with the best of intentions — offer a useful service that people WANTED. It was nothing to do with the ‘make money online’ marketplace. It was selling a service I had learned about while doing a 3-year (offline) nutrition course, way back in 2000, when the Internet was newly becoming accessible to the ‘client in the street’.

I’m not a salesy person, so I found it hard to attract clients offline, but there were one or two people already experimenting with selling online in the class. I had several years of experience in computing (offline), so I thought it would be a doddle to transfer my offline skills to online, starting with a nutrition blog.



Joy Healey
The Bloggers

Joy Healey helps baby-boomers fund their retirement without technical skills.