Starting a blog in 2021 — Medium vs WordPress

Are you thinking of starting a blog? Which platform should you choose to create your blog? Could Medium be a better choice than WordPress in 2021?

Dexter Roona
The Bloggers


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Medium vs WordPress — Could Medium be your option for starting a blog in 2021?

In this new article we are talking about starting a blog in 2021 and the options available and directly compare Medium with WordPress.

I have long advocated that self-hosted WordPress is the best option for starting a blog. But with WordPress comes a pretty steep learning curve to create something that stands out from the crowd and that is successful.

Medium could be the alternative for you to WordPress for the reasons outlined in this article.

Medium vs WordPress — The costs involved with WordPress

To start a successful WordPress blog you need to purchase the following:

  • A domain name
  • Monthly/yearly hosting
  • A premium theme
  • SSL certificate

Your domain name

