Merit-Credit Competition

Anil Eklavya
Informal Blog of An Incidental Academic
1 min readAug 25, 2019

I will scratch your …

I mean your back

You scratch my …

… I mean my back

I will give you a Like

You give me a Like

I will give you a Thumbs Up

You give me a Thumbs Up

Online, offline, be it wherever

These are the rules of the game

I am OK, you’re OK; both healthy

And all is well with the world

Even though losers go on and on

About the problems in the world

We play by the rules, and so

My merit will go up

My credit will go up

Your credit will go up

Your merit will go up

Together, both of us

Will win the competition

We will earn the position

That we don’t deserve

I mean, yes we actually do

Deserve on our very own

Then we will go pay our respects

To the billionaire, God bless him

For giving us all his all blessings

May he prosper forever and ever

And may he bless us in the world for

Doing well in all adult competitions

All Hail the Gods of Meritocracy!

Let’s launch a #hashtag as an offering

In his honour, so he gets eternal glory

We all get our prasad and our lollipops

After the fall of the causality frontier

Just as punishment determines crime

Our success also determines our merit

That is why we have the word loser

Originally published at on 22nd August, 2019. Updated on 25th August, 2019.



Anil Eklavya
Informal Blog of An Incidental Academic

Someone who is an academic (with many research publications) but strongly believes himself to be writer (but has hardly published anything like writers do).