5 Books for Ace Week

Informal Musings
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2022

In honor of Ace Week — or an international campaign dedicated to raising awareness and expanding education of asexuality — I’ve put together a quick list of 5 books that are either already published or coming out soon for everyone to understand a bit more about what the umbrella of asexuality is.

Additionally, at this end of this blog, I’ve included some list of resources for anyone who may be questioning their own identity (as ace or otherwise).

Aces Wild by Amanda DeWitt

Cover of Aces Wild published by Peachtree Teen

This is a really fun novel that features ace main characters and a fun plot set in Las Vegas and filled with gambling and a heist. The writing was fantastic and the plot twists were engaging. I highly enjoyed this book and I think almost everyone else will too!

Ace Voices: What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace by Eris Young

Cover of Ace Voices published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Publishing December 2022, each chapter in this book was engaging, well-written, informative, and presented to the reader in a way that made it easy to sink into this book and learn. I love how the author specifically called out non-western a-spec experiences and cultures instead of just focusing on the western ones. Suffice it to say, even if you aren’t ace or LGBTQIA+ identifying, this book is something I think everyone should read and can take important knowledge from. Please read this book.

Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by Angela Chen

Cover of Ace published by Beacon Press

This is the quintessential book about asexuality that has been recommended time and time again. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I think it’s a good primer for people who may not be familiar with what asexuality actually is or isn’t.

I Am Ace: Advice on Living Your Best Asexual Life by Cody Daigle-Orians

Cover of I Am Ace published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Publishing January 2023, this book is perfect for anyone who wants to better understand what asexuality is or who is curious about whether or not they may be ace. The author of this book writes wonderfully about their experience and also provides guidance on topics such as the difference between orientation and attraction, as well as navigating things like coming out and relationships. A great read, and a wonderful book.

Ace Notes: Tips and Tricks on Existing in an Allo World by Michele Kirichanskaya

Cover of Ace Notes published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Publishing in March 2023, this book is an informative book that discusses a lot of what asexuality is, isn’t and presents information that is rooted in validation for all viewpoints, barring any that are acephobic. The quotes and information in this book are incredibly informative and insightful.


I hope you enjoyed this post, if you read or have read any of the above books, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also, if you have any other books or resources that I should add, please comment below!



Informal Musings

enthusiastic researcher, who talks a lot about books but also about privacy and security, with a smattering of crafts and other interesting items