Let Scientists be Scientists

How next-gen data platforms stop weather and climate scientists from being software engineers and focus on science


I recently gave a talk on the importance of data engineering, how it can make scientists more productive and introduced some exciting projects in the data engineering space. Please have a watch below, it’s only 15 minutes.

The talk was originally at IS-ENES3/ESiWACE2 virtual workshop on New Opportunities for ML and AI in Weather and Climate Modelling (16–18 March 2021). The IS-ENES3 YouTube channel has recordings of all the talks including an excellent one from my colleague Rachel Prudden on Stochastic downscaling using Gaussian random fields.

Any thoughts always appreciated below.

Data is 80% data wrangling and only 20% insight.
Data science is often characterised as 80% data ‘munging’ and 20% insight. What if we focus on improving the 80% rather than the 20%?



Theo McCaie
Met Office Informatics Lab

Head of the Met Office Informatics Lab. Leading a team exploring new ideas in and between Science, Design, and Technology creating beautiful, useful solutions.