How to Install MongoDB Community and Compass on Windows

A step-by-step guide for beginners

M. Ramadhan


Table of Contents

System Requirements
Download the installer
Run the Installer
Follow the Installation Wizard
Interact with MongoDB


MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database management system that handles unstructured or semi-structured data. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB uses a flexible, document-oriented approach, making it well-suited for storing, retrieving, and managing large volumes of diverse data types.

MongoDB is available in two server editions: Community and Enterprise. See the previous article.

MongoDB Compass is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool provided by MongoDB, Inc. It’s designed to make it easier for developers, database administrators, and other users to interact with MongoDB databases visually without using command-line tools or writing complex queries.



M. Ramadhan

I’m a database designer and developer, childhood in Menggala, living in Palembang.