Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF

Discussing data anomalies, functional dependencies, and normalization process: the first normal form, second normal form, third normal form

M. Ramadhan


Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Data Redundancy and Anomalies
Insertion Anomalies
Deletion Anomalies
Update Anomalies
· Normalization Process
1NF (First Normal Form)
2NF (Second Normal Form)
3NF (Third Normal Form)
· Summary
· References


The design process is one of the stages in the database life cycle after the data requirements analysis phase is complete. There are two approaches to database design, namely:

  1. The top-down design uses the entity-relationship (ER) model. The procedure identifies the entities, followed by the relationships between entities and cardinalities or multiplicities. Each entity — may also be a relationship — is equipped with attributes, primary key, and foreign keys (if any).
  2. The bottom-up design does the process of normalization. The method identifies attributes and then groups them into data sets to form relations.



M. Ramadhan

I’m a database designer and developer, childhood in Menggala, living in Palembang.