Step-by-Step to Install MongoDB Shell on Windows

An easy guide for newbies

M. Ramadhan


Table of Contents

Minimum Requirements
Guide to Installing
Download MongoDB Shell
Run the Installer
Follow the Installation Wizard
Test MongoDB Shell
Create Shortcut

Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash


MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. It falls under the category of document-oriented databases, meaning it stores data in a semi-structured document format (usually JSON-like documents) rather than traditional rows and columns found in relational databases.

You can interact with MongoDB in two ways:
▹ MongoDB Compass
▹ MongoDB Shell

In the previous article, we installed MongoDB Community and Compass. For now, we cover installing MongoDB Shell.

Installing MongoDB Shell can be beneficial if you work directly with the MongoDB database through the command line interface…



M. Ramadhan

I’m a database designer and developer, childhood in Menggala, living in Palembang.