The Database Life Cycle

Tracing the history of the database in an information system

M. Ramadhan



The database life cycle is a cycle that traces the history of the database in an information system. The database life cycle incorporates the necessary steps involved in database development, starting with requirements analysis and ending with monitoring and modification. The DBLC never ends because database monitoring, improvement, and maintenance are part of the life cycle, and these activities continue as long as the database is alive and in use.

This article discusses the database life cycle according to three books. What are the differences and similarities?

According to Teorey, Lightstone, Nadeau, and Jagadish (2011), the database life cycle consists of four stages, namely:
(1) requirements analysis
(2) logical design
(3) physical design
(4) database implementation, monitoring, and modification.
See Figure 1.

Figure 1 Database life cycle
according to Teorey et al. (2011: 4)

Hoffer, Ramesh, and Topi (2019) named the database life cycle as the database development activities, consisting of five phases:
(1) planning
(2) analysis
(3) design
(4) implementation
(5) maintenance.
See Figure 2.



M. Ramadhan

I’m a database designer and developer, childhood in Menggala, living in Palembang.