Climate Change and it’s Seasonal Awareness

Fall 2023 — Information Expositions
4 min readNov 30, 2023

Think of a world where every season is like a mixed up puzzle. Climate change is shaking up the pieces, making winters less snowy and summers too hot. Understanding Climate Change Seasonal Awareness is like being a detective, piecing together clues about why our weather is changing. It’s big because it touches everything , from when flowers bloom to when we need to wear our sun hats or snow boots. It’s a story about our home, Earth, and how it’s quickly changing right under our feet.

In an era where digital connectivity intersects with a critical need for global enlightenment, understanding the drivers of awareness becomes crucial. As both a aspiring data analyst and web developer, my ambition is to delve into the intricacies of how and why technological engagement translates into heightened awareness. Utilizing the robust capabilities of Wikipedia’s Python Libraries, I aim to dissect and interpret the available data with precision. By evaluating the amount of page views for the specified search of “Climate Change,” I hope that I can derive valuable insights into global consciousness regarding this pressing issue. With that being said, technology is not just a tool but a pivotal player in the library of knowledge, but it also empowers users, providing immediate access to a wealth of information with just a few keystrokes. Within this digital landscape, Wikipedia stands as a prominent example of a repository of knowledge. Moving forward, by examining the patterns of engagement with the topic of “Climate Change” on Wikipedia’s website using Python technologies, we can better understand the spike of public interest and awareness. This, in turn, results in determining what marketing methods or technology makes global citizens more aware for this planet we call home.

The initial focus was to fetch data related to the search parameter “Climate_change” from Wikipedia with specific period of interest being 3 years or 1,096 days. after a request is made, further data analysis could be made using Python libraries such and pandas, numpy, and datetime. Upon retrieving the data, it was parsed as a Json response. This raw data was then transformed into a more readable and manageable pandas DataFrame using a couple lines of code, making subsequent analyses more straightforward. Eventually producing visualization seen later in this post. After initial cleaning and analysis, comes classification. My approach to classifying the data was to divide the view up by the four seasons in a year. From there I can see further derive marketing efforts from each season to come with a conclusion.

Total Page Views for “Climate Change” from 2021–2023.

Upon revealing that spring emerges as the season with peak awareness, my curiosity led me to pinpoint a specific day that could explain this spike in attention. In pursuit of this detail, I performed deeper and conducted an analysis to identify the top 10 days with the highest viewership over the last three years. It was through this meticulous examination that the data began to yield exciting insights, unveiling the reasons behind the heightened awareness.

Interestingly, within the top 10 most viewed days, a pattern emerged: six of these dates were consistent across different years, specifically the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of April in both 2022 and 2023. This consistency points to a significant recurring event or theme that captures public interest during this time period. Consequently, Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd. It’s reassuring to see that the promotion of this holiday promotes awareness, but on the other hand its unfortunate to see that there is only a spike once a year. Many organizations and governments may make announcements or launch initiatives related to climate change, which can further drive online searches and page views. Earth Day essentially acts as a catalyst for raising public awareness and engagement with climate change issues.

In conclusion, the significant spikes in page views for climate change topics around Earth Day highlight the profound impact that dedicated awareness days can have on public engagement. If we had additional days with a similar focus to Earth Day, we could potentially amplify this effect, creating greater awareness and understanding of environmental issues. This increased consciousness could then translate into more informed choices, stronger society, and enhanced policy support for sustainability initiatives. Ultimately, by building a culture that regularly celebrates and prioritizes our planet’s health through multiple annual events, we stand to not only raise awareness but also encourage actions that contribute to a healthier Earth.

Thank you for reading,

Lennox Anderson

