Donald Trump Wikipedia Pages

As one of the most polarizing figures in modern politics, Donald Trump continues to generate interest and scrutiny long after his presidency ended. Two Wikipedia pages dedicated to him stand out: the “Indictment of Donald Trump” and the “Donald Trump” pages. Both pages offer different perspectives on Trump’s legacy, but they share a common theme in that they have both undergone significant changes over time. In this op-ed, I will explore the reasons why people might be interested in these pages, discuss the interesting features of their time series, and examine what these findings reveal about our collective memory of the former President.

There is no doubt that Trump has left an indelible mark on American politics. For some, he is a hero who stood up for their values and made ‘America great again’. For others, he is a villain who undermined democratic institutions and sowed division among Americans. The Indictment of Donald Trump page speaks to the latter group, providing a detailed account of the legal challenges Trump faced during his presidency and beyond. Meanwhile, the Donald Trump page offers a broader overview of Trump’s life and career, highlighting his successes as a businessman and politician.

The tension or hook in this comparison lies in the fact that these pages tell two very different stories about the same person. On the one hand, we have the story of a successful businessman who became President and achieved great things for his country. On the other hand, we have the story of a corrupt politician who used his power for personal gain and was ultimately held accountable for his actions. These two narratives are at odds with each other, and the tension between them makes for compelling reading.

Wikipedia is a powerful platform for collective knowledge production, and it provides an interesting case study in how we remember public figures. Both the Indictment of Donald Trump and the Donald Trump pages have undergone significant changes over time. The former was created in the wake of Trump’s impeachment, and it has grown in size as more information about his legal troubles has come to light. The latter has been edited thousands of times, reflecting the ongoing debate about Trump’s legacy.

We can visualize the changes in these pages using a variety of metrics. For example, we can look at the number of page views each page has received over time. According to data from Wikipedia, the Indictment of Donald Trump page has seen a surge in traffic in recent years, particularly in the months leading up to Trump’s second impeachment trial. Meanwhile, the Donald Trump page has seen a steady decline in pageviews since its peak in 2016 and 2017, reflecting the waning interest in Trump’s life and career after he left office.

Another interesting metric to consider is the number of edits made to each page. As of this writing, the Indictment of Donald Trump page has a total of 759 edits, while the Donald Trump page has over 40,000. This disparity reflects the fact that the latter page is much broader in scope, covering Trump’s entire life and career, while the former page focuses on a specific period of time and set of events. Nevertheless, both pages have been the subject of intense debate among Wikipedia editors, with arguments over language, sourcing, and neutrality.

The time series for these pages reveals some interesting trends and patterns. For example, the Indictment of Donald Trump page saw a sharp increase in edits and page views in the months leading up to Trump’s second impeachment trial, reflecting the heightened public interest in the case. Similarly, the Donald Trump page saw a surge in edits and pageviews in the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential election, as well as during Trump’s time in office.

Ultimately, the Indictment of Donald Trump and Donald Trump pages on Wikipedia offer a fascinating glimpse into how we collectively remember public figures. These pages have undergone many changes over time, reflecting the ongoing debate about Trump’s legacy and the legal challenges he faced during his presidency. The time series for these pages reveals interesting trends and patterns, highlighting the moments of heightened public interest and intense debate. As we continue to grapple with the legacy of the Trump presidency, these pages will no doubt continue to evolve and shape our understanding of this controversial figure in American politics.



Kyle Gragnola
Spring 2023 — Information Expositions

By using data, I aim to provide technological solutions for marginalized communities.