How Does Congress Spend Their Money?

The release of House disbursement data for the third quarter of 2021 has once again shed light on the spending habits of members of Congress. The data reveals that the top spending purposes are chief of staff, district director, legislative assistant, legislative director, and private district office rent. This information raises essential questions about how members of Congress are allocating their resources and whether they are truly focused on serving the American people.

Chief of staff spending habits continue to be the highest spending purpose, with an average of about $45,000 and a total of nearly $15,000,000 in quarter three of 2021. The chief of staff is a key member in a Congress’ team, responsible for managing staff, overseeing operations, and advising the members on policy matters. This may be an important role, but the high spending raises concerns about whether members of Congress are using taxpayer dollars responsibly. It is important that members of Congress prioritize the needs of their constituents, rather than their own staffing needs.

District director has the second-highest spending purpose, with an average of $42,000 and a total of about $8,000,000 in quarter three of 2021. The district director is responsible for overseeing a member of Congress’s local office and ensuring that the member is responsive to the needs of their constituents. While this is also a critical role, it could prove to be problematic that such a significant portion of a member of Congress’s budget is given to staffing rather than direct services for the American people.

Legislative assistants are the third-highest spending purpose, with an average of $42,000 and a total of $70,000 in quarter three of 2021. Legislative assistants are responsible for researching policy issues and advising their members of Congress on legislation. This is a key role, but it again brings up questions about the allocation of resources. Members of Congress must balance the need for policy expertise with the need to deliver concrete results for their constituents.

Legislative directors are the fourth-highest spending purpose, with an average of $41,000 and a total of $67,000 in quarter three of 2021. Legislative directors are responsible for managing a member of Congress’s legislative agenda and working with other members of Congress and their staff to pass legislation. Although this is again crucial position, it once more calls into question the priorities of Congressmen. Members of Congress should be focused on delivering results for their constituents, rather than solely on advancing their own legislative priorities.

Private district office rent is the fifth-highest spending purpose, with an average of $40,000 and a total of $58,000 in quarter three of 2021. Private district offices are an important resource for members of Congress, as they provide a space for them to meet with the people they work for and hold local events. However, the high cost of rent raises concerns about whether members of Congress are using taxpayer dollars efficiently.

These histograms provide visual representations of how money was spent across different purposes during quarter three of 2021. One histogram shows the total number of dollars spent per purpose, and the other shows the average number of dollars spent. These visualizations help identify any patterns or trends in spending behavior during this period.

The House disbursement data for the third quarter of 2021 highlights the need for members of Congress to prioritize their constituents. While staffing and office expenses are necessary, they should not be the primary focus of a member of Congress’s budget. Members of Congress must work to deliver concrete results for their constituents, whether through legislative accomplishments or direct services.

One potential solution is for members of Congress to distribute more resources to their constituent services teams. Constituent services are responsible for helping represented people navigate federal agencies, providing assistance with federal programs, and responding to constituent inquiries. By investing in these services, members of Congress can directly impact the peoples lives and demonstrate a commitment to serving their needs.

Another solution is for members of Congress to focus on passing legislation that directly benefits their constituents. This could include legislation that increases access to affordable healthcare, supports small businesses, or invests in infrastructure. By focusing on delivering results for their people, members of Congress can demonstrate that they are truly committed to serving the needs of the American people.

Ultimately, the House disbursement data for the third quarter of 2021 has raised important questions about the spending habits of members of Congress. While it is essential for them to have staff and resources to fulfill their duties, the data shows that a significant portion of their budget is dedicated to staffing and office expenses rather than delivering concrete results for the people they represent.



Kyle Gragnola
Spring 2023 — Information Expositions

By using data, I aim to provide technological solutions for marginalized communities.