Identify the patterns and know what you body wanna tell you

Information for RUKU
2 min readJan 28, 2021

Women struggling with period problems often tell me that they feel their bodies have betrayed them. Usually a doctor made them feel this way during an appointment at which they were told they had “XYZ condition” and that they were likely doomed to a future of excruciating pain, trouble getting pregnant, an unmanageably heavy flow, or some other insert-worst-casescenario-here.

Or, they were told that what they were experiencing was “normal” and just a natural part of being a woman. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: suffering related to your period is not normal. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking that your body is broken, or that maybe you should just suck it up and deal, I want to help you flip the script. The truth is that no matter what period problem or hormonal imbalance you’re experiencing, your body is not damaged or defective. Your body is amazing and beautiful, and these symptoms are just her way of communicating — okay, sure, sometimes screaming — that something needs your attention.

Your period problems aren’t just telling you that you need to buy more tampons or stock up on Midol. They’re alerting you to a potential systemwide malfunction. That’s right, menstrual issues are our proverbial canary in a coal mine. By recognizing your period symptoms and the signs of hormonal imbalance, you’ll be able to take action and personalize a plan that’s right for you, ending your period problems and improving your overall health.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common period problems :

PMS and PMDD (you’re saying and doing unreasonable things, but you can’t stop);
Period pain (truly, you have my utmost sympathy); Mid-cycle, or ovulatory, pain (ouch!);
Heavy periods (enough, already!);
Light or short periods (like, was that even a period?);
Short cycles, or too-frequent periods (bleeding more often than should be legal);
Infrequent, or irregular, periods (you have no idea when she’s making an appearance);
Missing periods (you haven’t seen that biatch in months);
Spotting or bleeding in between periods (can’t stop, won’t stop bleeding); Vaginal infections (itchy much?);
PCOS (more symptoms than you can count);
Endometriosis (this much pain should be illegal)

How to cure the symptoms and fix your periods? Will write about it super soon

