Simplify the Design

Rohin Bhargava
Information Management
4 min readOct 18, 2011

In my previous post All I want is everything I wrote about the need to clearly define the purpose or the primary business requirements of pursuing an Information Management program. I discussed the 3 Sentence 10 word each — Past, Present & Future approach and the need to concentrate on the must have. In this article I would like to get to the next level the High level Solution Design. I use the words “High Level” with a purpose, in both my previous post and this one, I want to stress upon the need to get our vision right before we go deeper. We all have experience which tell us the cost of course correction early on in our journey is a lot less than further down the path.

Simplify the Design

I often come across the High Level Solution Design diagrams in RFP or RFI process and even created some while playing the role of an Architect and a Consultant. I find most of them too complex and concentrating on too many things. In some cases I have seen Data Flows, Systems, Technology and System Components all thrown into one huge diagram which is then scaled down to fit onto a A4 sheet. Nothing is legible clearly unless you zoom in by a factor of 8 or 16 and by then it becomes too big for a standard screen. It all seems like a diagram with lots of blocks and arrows pointing in all directions. It raises more questions than provide answers.

Simplification of Design is the process of removal of superfluous design elements till you are left with the bare essential elements. In designing of an Information Management system it is important to understand this so that we concentrate our effort in delivery of the essentials and not worry too much about the bells and whistle. For example while having a User Interface to manage data might be important it need not be jazzed up with animation and funky colors for it to serve its purpose.

Another example would be the no. of interface. By having too many interfaces serving the same data albeit a couple of differences we are only adding complexity to the solution rather than simplify it. It is essential to identify the roles for each system interacting in the design to ensure that duplication of same function does not occur.

The Solution to the problem starts with the Simplification of the High Level Solution Diagram. I would discuss simplification of components in a future article in this series when we talk about detailed design. To explain my solution to the problem I would like to take the help of Google maps. Take a look at the first diagram,+Bengaluru+Rural,+Karnataka,+India&ll=12.971773,77.594376&spn=0.34259,0.676346&t=h&z=11&vpsrc=6&output=embed

Now look at the next one,+Bengaluru+Rural,+Karnataka,+India&ll=12.897489,77.607422&spn=42.880503,86.572266&t=m&z=4&vpsrc=6&output=embed

Did you notice any difference? quiet clearly the first one is a zoomed in map of Bangalore while the second one is a more like 50,000 ft. map which has Bangalore at its center. If you could follow the difference between the two maps I am sure you would follow the solution as well.

When we are talking at 50,000 ft. level we need a Map that gives a 50,000 ft. view and not at say a 10,000 ft. or a 1000 ft. it will not serve the purpose. So for a high level solution design we need a diagram that is similar to the
50,000 ft. map. uncluttered and with only the details required at this level. A simple template to get you started can be seen below.

Here is how I suggest we go about creating the diagram.

  1. Prepare a list of internal and external systems
  2. Segregate them into source, target reference and external. [1. A source could be a target and viz versa so repeat them in both list]
  3. Put the name of top 2–3 system in each block with a count of each type

That’s it! you are done all in 3 simple steps. I have created a filled up version which can be found below.

if you are starting with a 1000 ft. diagram and want to zoom out, remember to keep removing and summarizing details as you zoom out from 1000 ft. → 50,000 ft. it could be daunting at first but you will get the hang of it eventually
and in doing so you will also have multiple Solution maps which can be used for different audience and in different scenario and you can link them together and create a zoom in / out view of your solution. This is one of the ways to achieve simplification and staying true to the requirements of the solution.

I hope you found the tip useful and utilize them in your project. Do let me know your experience of using the tip and if you have any suggestions or questions on the same. You can use the discussion thread below or write to me at



Rohin Bhargava
Information Management

Code, Data, Design, Poetry, Prose, Philosophy not in any particular order.