Being just by yourself sometimes helps — it’s therapy for the soul !

Shreedhar Musalkol
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2019

Well, it’s the weekend again, is it? It must have been five full days of hectic work at work and now time to unwind, yippee!!!

Waking up alone to an empty house everyday if one is single is tough enough but is really not a pleasant thing especially on a weekend. Friday night must have gone by late catching up with a movie on Amazon Prime based on a recommendation from a work colleague.

It’s striking 9:00 am and as you hop out of bed into the living room, you take out your diary to list down what you want to do for the day. Try to organize the day to kind of stay in control. You are working on time management. Wash clothes, vacuum the house, pay the rent, cook food, catch up on the news, study something and watch some favorite YouTube stuff on Chromecast. Pretty interesting and a doable list.

You look out of the window. It’s that time of the year when the chill is just beginning to set in. The sun seems to deceive with its false orange glow. There’s still the irritating humming noise from the boiler room next to the apartment home closet/bathroom wall that you’ve complained about and your leasing office has apologized and promised repairs within the next one week. It just means few more days of having to put up with a busy bulldozer next to your home. Residents are out taking their dogs out for a walk. Seems a nice day although makes you wonder if ‘Boss Baby’ rightly points out that in our society our pet animals get more respect and hearing than a normal human being does. It’s probably the ‘they just don’t talk back like humans’ thing that people seem to appreciate. Less messy, you guess!

You check your phone and find one of your work colleagues wants to catch up this evening for some coffee. C’mon, five days at work wasn’t enough was it? The guy is missing his wife who’s left for a vacation to her parents place. Meanwhile, you text one of your personal friends to check his availability for some catch up as it’s been some time you’ve met. You receive a reply from your friend that he already has some dinner plans with a group of friends and our get-together has to be planned some other day. Hmm! You reply back to your work colleague saying you are not inclined to meet today, sorry dude.

You have your breakfast and switch on your favorite YouTube content. Minutes stretch into hours and you are thoroughly enjoying your stuff. Items in your to-do list are waiting. Cooking for lunch is delayed, but you don’t mind. It’s turning out to be a fulfilling day already. You’re watching something that is meaningful and will help you in your work and in your other interests as well. Some philosophy, something on being focused, something to manage your emotions, relationships and connect with the Cosmos. All exciting stuff that you really like!

Lunch is delayed but yummy healthy food nevertheless. It’s the three month food plan that you’ve started off on since a week and you’re quite determined to follow it. Then some Internet surfing. Catching up on the news. Usual politics, world order changing stuff, nothing new. You again look outside your patio. People are stepping out or coming back home. They seem happy, good for them!

It’s starting to get dark. Your list is still waiting patiently to grant its master a few wishes (More than the three wishes unlike the Aladdin's Genie!). You suddenly feel like writing a blog. It’s been a long time that you’ve written something free flow!

As you write your blog, time stands still. You are hardly breathing! Words seem to flow like lovely music from an instrument (or a streaming service on your phone, probably!). It is Nirvana! This is cool.

Being just by yourself sometimes helps — it’s therapy for the soul !

