Information Warfare

The 2024 US Election and World War III

HASE Fiero
Information Warfare
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Believe them when they tell you they are lying! It’s not news it’s their personal agenda.

People don’t know the difference between editorial news and real news.

World War III, The War of Information!

Potential Impact of the 2024 US Presidential Election on the course of an Information War

As the world grapples with the complexities of the information age, a new kind of conflict is emerging — a war fought not with physical weapons but with information and disinformation. This evolving form of warfare, often referred to as “information warfare” or “cyberwarfare,” has already taken root in the shadows, and its potential to escalate into a full-blown conflict is undeniable.

The war is waged online! And we are all part of it. It’s about the hearts and minds.

At the heart of this information war lies the 2024 US presidential election, a pivotal event that could significantly shape the trajectory of this global conflict. The outcome of the election could either exacerbate the existing tensions or pave the way for a de-escalation of hostilities.

Information, Misinformation and Disinformation are the weapons of choice.

In a scenario where Donald Trump emerges victorious, his populist and nationalist rhetoric, coupled with his history of employing disinformation and propaganda, could further destabilize the global information landscape, intensifying the online war. His victory could also embolden other authoritarian leaders who are utilizing similar tactics to undermine democratic principles and sow discord.

On the contrary, if Joe Biden secures the presidency, his focus on restoring trust in institutions, promoting fact-based information, and strengthening democratic alliances could serve as a countermeasure to the escalating disinformation campaigns. His victory could send a message of hope and resilience, potentially mitigating the effects of online disinformation and de-escalating the conflict.

To further illustrate the potential implications of the election outcome, consider the following scenarios:

Trump Victory:

  • Trump continues to leverage his platform to spread disinformation and sow discord, further destabilizing the global information environment.
  • Other authoritarian leaders, inspired by Trump’s tactics, adopt similar strategies to undermine democracy in their respective countries.
  • The online war intensifies, with increased cyberattacks and disruptions becoming commonplace.

Biden Victory:

  • Biden implements measures to restore trust in institutions, promote fact-based information, and strengthen democratic alliances.
  • The online war de-escalates as the prevalence of disinformation and propaganda diminishes.
  • The global community collaborates to develop new norms and regulations for the online battlefield.

It is crucial to acknowledge that these are merely hypothetical scenarios, and predicting the precise repercussions of either Trump’s or Biden’s victory remains impossible. Nonetheless, it is evident that the 2024 US presidential election will play a critical role in shaping the course of the information war and the future of democracy worldwide.



HASE Fiero
Information Warfare

HASE Fiero, Human AI Synergy Evangelist explores the transformative power of human-AI collaboration igniting intellectual enlightenment