Project 2025

A Deep Dive into the Heritage Foundation’s Plan for a Conservative Future

HASE Fiero
Information Warfare
5 min readJan 16, 2024


It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration.

Project 2025: A Comprehensive Plan for a Conservative Administration

In an era of heightened political polarization, the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” stands as a testament to the strategic planning and ambition of conservative groups in the United States. The project, detailed on its official website, outlines a robust plan to reshape the American administrative state under a future conservative administration.

Four Pillars of Change

Project 2025 is built on four key pillars: a policy agenda, a presidential personnel database, training, and a 180-day playbook. Each pillar plays a critical role in the broader strategy of ushering in swift and substantial changes should a conservative candidate win the presidency. The project aims not just to influence policy but to fundamentally transform the way the government operates.

1. Policy Agenda: This aspect of the project focuses on crafting a detailed policy guide for the incoming administration. It aims to offer specific proposals for every major issue facing the country, drawing expertise from across the conservative movement. The goal is to build on previous conservative legacies and make a lasting impact on national policy.

2. Personnel Database: Recognizing that a policy agenda can only be as effective as the people implementing it, Project 2025 emphasizes creating a comprehensive database to identify conservatives from various backgrounds to serve in key administrative roles. This approach underscores the importance of aligning ideological beliefs with administrative positions to ensure the effective execution of the proposed policies.

3. Training: Project 2025 includes a dedicated training program for potential conservative administrators. This program brings together experts with experience in previous administrations to share their knowledge through workshops, seminars, and mentorship. The aim is to prepare a skilled workforce ready to enact conservative policies effectively.

4. 180-Day Playbook: Reflecting a sense of urgency, the project has developed a playbook of actions to be taken within the first 180 days of a new conservative administration. The focus is on quick implementation to bring immediate changes, touted as a relief from the policies of the left.

Broader Implications and Public Perception

The Project 2025 website presents its mission as a rescue operation from the grip of the radical left, portraying a narrative of urgency and restoration. This framing is indicative of the deep ideological divides characterizing current American politics. The project’s comprehensive nature, encompassing policy, personnel, and training, suggests a well-coordinated effort to ensure that a future conservative administration can hit the ground running with a clear, actionable agenda.

However, such an overtly ideological approach to governance, focusing on a complete overhaul of the administrative state, raises questions about the potential impact on democratic norms and the balance of power. The project’s emphasis on aligning government personnel with conservative ideologies may also lead to concerns about the politicization of federal agencies and civil service roles traditionally seen as nonpartisan.

Looking Ahead

As the United States continues to navigate through turbulent political waters, initiatives like Project 2025 will likely play a significant role in shaping the country’s future political landscape. Whether this plan will be realized remains to be seen, but its existence underscores the strategic planning and ambition within conservative circles, poised to make a profound impact on American governance in the years to come.

Analysis and Implications

A recent podcast episode featuring Alan Piper, a filmmaker, commentator, strategist, and national correspondent for Courier Newsroom, provides an in-depth analysis of Project 2025. Piper and other guests on “The Weekend Show” discussed the broader implications of this initiative, highlighting its potential impact on American democracy and various aspects of public policy.

The discussion in this podcast episode centers around “Project 2025,” a plan developed by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups. The guests, including Alan Piper, a filmmaker, commentator, strategist, and national correspondent for Courier Newsroom, analyze the content and implications of this project.

Key points from their conversation include:

Nature of Project 2025: Described as a comprehensive plan for the deconstruction of the administrative state by the Heritage Foundation, intended to be implemented if Donald Trump or another GOP candidate wins the next election. It’s a 960-page document, outlining a conservative agenda.

Analysis of the Plan: The discussion revolves around the plan’s focus on conservative policy implementation, including its impact on various government agencies, social policies, and the judiciary. The plan is seen as an extension of Trump’s vision and aims to make the government a tool for a specific ideological agenda, particularly white Christian nationalism.

Funding and Support: The episode delves into the origins of the project, its backing by various advocacy groups, and its connections to the Trump administration. It discusses the recruitment and training of individuals to implement these policies, emphasizing the ideological bent of the selections.

Implications for Democracy and Society: The conversation raises concerns about the plan’s potential impact on democracy, civil liberties, and social justice. It highlights the intention to reshape government agencies, the judiciary, and policies in ways that align with a far-right, authoritarian viewpoint.

Media’s Role and Public Awareness: The episode discusses the media’s coverage of such plans and the importance of raising public awareness. The guests emphasize the need for factual reporting and the challenge faced by media in addressing extreme political agendas without appearing biased.

Comparison to Historical Fascism: The plan is compared to fascist ideologies, with a focus on how it aims to consolidate power, restrict freedoms, and promote a certain ideological vision at the expense of diversity and democratic principles.

Potential Consequences and Opposition: The discussion touches on the potential for civil unrest and resistance from various sectors of society if such a plan were to be implemented. It underscores the importance of understanding and opposing policies that threaten democratic institutions and civil liberties.

Role of Young Voters and Future Elections: The guests express optimism about the role of younger voters in challenging such agendas and emphasize the need for robust participation in future elections to safeguard democracy.

The Dangers of Misinformation: The podcast also addresses the concern that Project 2025 might propagate misinformation and disinformation, especially regarding topics like climate change, immigration, and civil rights.

Call to Action for Journalists and Citizens: Finally, the episode serves as a call to action for journalists to responsibly report on such significant issues and for citizens to stay informed and engaged in the political process to counter such extreme agendas.

Overall, the podcast episode offers a critical examination of Project 2025, highlighting its potential dangers to democracy and the importance of awareness and resistance from the public and the media.


Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project



HASE Fiero
Information Warfare

HASE Fiero, Human AI Synergy Evangelist explores the transformative power of human-AI collaboration igniting intellectual enlightenment