The Shadow Play of Power

HASE Fiero
Information Warfare
3 min readJan 15, 2024
As the world continues to grapple with the reality of information warfare, the lessons from history and the ongoing manifestations of active measures serve as a reminder of the constant need for awareness and resilience in the face of covert geopolitical strategies.

Unraveling the Impact of Russian Active Measures

In the hypothetical scenario where Vladimir Putin successfully installs a Russian stooge in the White House, the implications for global geopolitics could be profound and far-reaching. This scenario echoes the dark arts of “active measures,” a term used by the Soviet KGB and later by Russian intelligence, to describe a range of covert operations designed to influence the course of world events.

Subversion and Destabilization: The Goals of Active Measures

As described by retired KGB General Oleg Kalugin and corroborated by various intelligence experts, the primary objectives of active measures are to sow discord within alliances, particularly NATO, and weaken the adversaries’ political cohesion. These measures are not new; they have been a staple of Russian intelligence operations for decades, adapting to changing global dynamics​​​​.

The Ideal Outcome for Russia

  1. Dismantling NATO: A key strategic goal for Russia would be to weaken or dismantle NATO, the primary military alliance countering Russian influence in Europe. NATO’s dissolution would significantly reduce the collective defense capability of the West, giving Russia a freer hand in Eastern Europe and beyond.
  2. Weakening Ukraine: Ukraine holds geopolitical significance for Russia, and a pro-Russian leader in the White House could lead to diminished support for Ukraine, thereby easing Russia’s maneuvers in the region.
  3. Enhanced Influence in the Middle East: A change in U.S. policy under a Russian-influenced administration could allow Russia to strengthen its position in the Middle East, a region where it has been vying for influence over the past years.

Historical Context and Modern Adaptations

The concept of active measures dates back to the Soviet era, encompassing a range of tactics from disinformation and propaganda to political assassinations and support for radical movements. This covert warfare was aimed at destabilizing adversaries without direct military confrontation​​.

In the modern context, these measures have adapted to the digital age. The alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, as highlighted by intelligence experts, exemplifies the modern iteration of these tactics. The use of cyberattacks, social media manipulation, and spreading disinformation were aimed at influencing the election outcome and creating political fractures within the United States​​.

The Payoff for Russia

The potential gains for Russia in having a sympathetic or controlled figure in the White House are substantial. It would mark a significant shift in global power dynamics, allowing Russia to advance its interests more aggressively and with fewer constraints from Western powers.

Conclusion: The Need for Vigilance and Resilience

The scenario underscores the need for vigilance against foreign interference in domestic politics. It highlights the importance of robust counterintelligence measures, media literacy, and strong, independent institutions capable of resisting such covert influences. Understanding and countering active measures is crucial in safeguarding democratic processes and maintaining the balance of power in the international arena.

As the world continues to grapple with the reality of information warfare, the lessons from history and the ongoing manifestations of active measures serve as a reminder of the constant need for awareness and resilience in the face of covert geopolitical strategies.



HASE Fiero
Information Warfare

HASE Fiero, Human AI Synergy Evangelist explores the transformative power of human-AI collaboration igniting intellectual enlightenment