You really need to read this op-ed on terrorism and encryption

Viktor Bengtsson
Informed Dissent
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2015


In the debate around encryption, it is exceedingly rare to come across anything that can be described as clear, succinct, and factual. But the recent blog post and op-ed from academic Nadim Kobeissi certainly fits that description.

Born in Beirut and based in Paris, both scenes of recent terrorist attacks, Mr. Kobeissi is a researcher in the field of applied cryptography. He is also the principal inventor of the encrypted chat service cryptocat. His writing does justice to the gravitas that a confluence of background, work, and current events have lent his voice.

“If we take every car off the street, every iPhone out of people’s pockets and every single plane out of the sky, it wouldn’t do anything to stop terrorism. Terrorism isn’t about means, but about ends. It’s not about the technology but about the anger, the ignorance that holds a firm grip over the actor’s mind.” — Nadim Kobeissi

You really should read the whole thing. I promise you’ll feel a little bit better afterwards.

See blog post in English:

See Le Monde op-ed in French:

Photo credit: La Défense via photopin (license)

