DerpNStink — Walkthrough

Mr. Robot
InfoSec Adventures
Published in
6 min readOct 11, 2019

Description from Vulnhub

Mr. Derp and Uncle Stinky are two system administrators who are starting their own company, DerpNStink. Instead of hiring qualified professionals to build up their IT landscape, they decided to hack together their own system which is almost ready to go live… Instructions:

This is a boot2root Ubuntu based virtual machine. It was tested on VMware Fusion and VMware Workstation12 using DHCP settings for its network interface. It was designed to model some of the earlier machines I encountered during my OSCP labs also with a few minor curve-balls but nothing too fancy. Stick to your classic hacking methodology and enumerate all the things!

Your goal is to remotely attack the VM and find all 4 flags eventually leading you to full root access. Don’t forget to #tryharder

Example: flag1(AB0BFD73DAAEC7912DCDCA1BA0BA3D05). Do not waste time decrypting the hash in the flag as it has no value in the challenge other than an identifier.


I started scanning the machine with Nmap. My scan options included default scripts, version enumeration on all ports. This yielded the following result:

‌The FTP and SSH services looked secure by searching for the version numbers, so I moved on to port 80. Nmap kindly tells us that there are 2 disallowed entries in the robots.txt file. First, let's check out the site! I opened the Inspector to check out the source and found the first flag in a nested div element.


I continued with a directory scan using gobuster. Except /weblog and /temporary, I found some pretty standard directories.

First, I visited the /temporary directory which was a dead end.

Then, I went to visit /weblog and I got redirected to http://derpnstink.local/weblog/ . To resolve the local DNS issue (obviously the site didn't load), I added derpnstink.local to my /etc/hosts file. After that, I just looked around to see if I notice something unsusual. Finally, I ran wpscan --url http://derpnstink.local/weblog -e to enumerate users, plugins, themes, etc...

The above picture shows that wpscan identified a slideshow-gallery plugin which is vulnerable to arbitrary file upload. The vulnerability has a Metasploit module but since I'm preparing for OSCP, I just decided to use this Python exploit: However, the exploit requires authentication and I only got 2 username without password.

It was time to guess (or brute-force)! Luckily, I hit jackpot with admin : admin. I wasn't able to edit PHP files or anything, so I resorted to the previously mentioned exploit.

I set up my reverse shell listener on port 443 and created a PHP reverse shell file which is also required for the exploit to work. After clicking the link at the bottom, I got a connection back as www-data . First, I checked the /php directory that I couldn't access previously and found a info.php file. This file contained a comment about the a phpmyadmin installation. With recursive directory scanning, I could have probably found this file earlier. Let's just take a note about this for now.

‌I continued to look for sensitive file regarding the Wordpress installation in the weblog directory. The wp-config.phpusually contains configurations for the MySQL database like secret keys, database table prefixes and credentials. It's always a good idea to check this when dealing with Wordpress.

Alright, we’re slowly progressing. I used these credentials to log into /php/phpmyadmin and quickly looked around. The wp-posts table contained the second flag for this machine as you can see on the picture below. I utilized the print view functionality to get a more appealing visual representation of the table.


I went all the way down to the wp_users table to see, if I can find some password hashes because I remembered that wpscan gave us 2 users and I was only able to guess one of them.

I found the password hash for unclestinky and used hashcat with mode 400 to crack it.

‌By printing out the /etc/passwd file, I identified 2 potential users (mrderp & stinky) on the machine. Fortunately, the cracked password worked for stinky who had SSH keys which we can use to get a proper connection to the target machine.

I copied the private SSH key to my machine, set the correct permission and connected to the target. The third flag can be found in the Desktop directory.


There was an interesting directory called ftp in the home directory which contained a private SSH key and a funny conversation between stinky and mrderp .

I deduced that I should look for a packet capture file somewhere and I found it in the Documents directory. Python was installed, so I used it to create a simple HTTP server in that directory and easily download the filefor further investigation.

Wireshark is an excellent tool to analyze packet captures. I used it to filter for HTTP POST requests because password change / login usually associated with this type of request. You can nicely follow the events mentioned in the conversation. It looks like a new accoutn got created for mrderp and his password isderpderpderpderpderpderpderp .

I thought, maybe he uses the same password for his local account. Yes, he was indeed using the same password for his local account. Remember, don’t reuse passwords! After switching to mrderp , I quickly checked which commands can he run as root and found a strange entry.

The path to the entry was completely made up and there was a wild card at the end. So many possibilities, but I just went for the quickest and easiest one. I created the binaries directory and a shell script inside that named . The extension doesn't matter because of the wild card, so you can create any type of script you want, it'll work. My shell script only spawned a new Bash shell which is more than enough in this case. After running the script with sudo , I got a new a shell with root privileges.


Before You Go

Thank you for taking the time to read my walkthrough. If you found it helpful, please hit the 👏 button 👏 (up to 50x) and share it to help others with similar interest find it! + Feedback is always welcome! 🙏



Mr. Robot
InfoSec Adventures

Self-taught developer with an interest in Offensive Security. I regularly play on Vulnhub and Hack The Box.