Hacking, Cybersecurity, Privilege Escalation

OffSec — InfosecPrep Walkthrough

A walkthrough with my tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Infosec WatchTower



Let’s start things off with a network scan to see which ports are open and the services running on each.

$ nmap -A -O -sC -sV -p- <machine_IP>
Nmap scan results

Vulnerability assessment:

There’s a robots text file shows another text file that’s available, secret.txt.

Contents of secret.txt

A base64 encoded text file.

Copy and pasted the text in a file on my local machine and decoded with base64:

$ base64 -d code.txt > decoded.txt

Turns out to be a SSH private key!

Decoded base64 text from secret.txt

Upon visiting the webpage the machine is hosting, there’s a blog entry that tells me the only user on the box!

Username of user on the machine

That means it’s time to get a SSH session!

$ ssh oscp@<machine_IP> -i rsa.txt
Proof of shell for user oscp

Here are the files in the user’s home directory.

File listing from oscp home directory

Here are the contents of the ip file:

Contents of ip

The text file local.txt gives the user flag.

Proof of user flag


I checked the cronjobs, no luck.

My next step was to see what types of files I could run with higher privileges with the SUID bit set.

$ find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
Results of find command above

Looks like user oscp can run the bash binary with higher privileges, perfect!

I went to gtfobins[.]net to look up a quick command to use to exploit that binary.

$ /usr/bin/bash -p

Now that I escalated my privileges to root, I’ll grab the root flag.


Be sure to not have files accessible to the internet that contain private information.

Use a strong encoding method or multiple encoding methods to hide contents.

Have all SSH private keys passphrase protected.

Note from Publication: This story was uploaded at the permission of user “xocybersec” on 1/19/24. Please direct any feedback, comments, or citations to the original writer! Thank you — Infosec WatchTower

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