Hacking, Misconfigured permissions, Sudo, Cipher

TryHackMe — Year of the Rabbit Walkthrough

A walkthrough with my tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Infosec WatchTower



Let’s start things off with a network scan to see which ports are open and the services running on each.

$ nmap -A -O -sC -sV -p- <machine_IP>
Nmap scan results.

Scanning for directories with Gobuster:

Gobuster scan results.

Contents of /assets directory:

Contents in /assets

Contents of /css directory:

Contents in /css

When visiting /sup3r_s3cret_fl4g.php

Okay, i’ll use the devtools to inspect this page.

Message in source code of /sup3r_s3cret_fl4g.php

That shows that the script makes the video from /assets start playing on youtube.

Now, navigating to the Network tab in devtools, I see the next place I need to look at.

Found hidden directory.

When viewing that directory there’s an image file. There might be some steganography to do..

Image file in directory /WExYY2Cv-qU

I tried using a few tools on the image file; testing for steganography and also using tools like exiftool, binwalk, and strings.

When I used strings, I found the username for the FTP server!

Strings inside of Hot_Babe.png image file.

The possible passwords continued for a while, so I made them into a wordlist and fired up hydra to bruteforce the FTP server.

$ hydra -l ftpuser -P <password-file> <machine_IP> ftp
Found password from bruteforce attack using hydra.

After logging in to the FTP server I found a text file.

Text file on FTP server.

I downloaded that file and viewed the contents.

Contents of text file Eli’s_Creds.txt

At least they’re not plaintext.. Although, they are part of a cipher that’s somewhat common.

If you like to do CTFs I’m sure you know what this is.

If you don’t it’s called Brainfuck.

“Brainfuck (or BF or Brainf**k) is a minimalist programmation language that uses only eight commands to manipulate memory and perform operations.

It takes its name from two words brain and fuck, that refer to a kind of major frustration for your brain (or cerebral masturbation).”

Initial foothold:

To decode this, I went to dcode[.]fr

Decoded credentials for user eli.

Now I can SSH into the machine!

Upon logging in I’m greeted with a message.

Message from root when SSHing into the box.

If there’s a message for another user I wonder how many other users there are, time to find out.

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep "bash"
Users who can run a shell.

Okay, a secret hiding place, it can’t be in the directory from earlier. I used find to see if I could locate a file with that name but that didn’t turn up anything.

Next, I tried looking for a directory named s3cr3t instead of a file. Bingo!

$ find / -type d -iname "s3cr3t" 2>/dev/null
Directory where secret message is

From there I found the note!

Found secret text file.

Lateral pivoting:

And the contents of the text file are:

Contents of secret text file.

Now, as the user Gwendoline, I can grab the user flag.

Proof of user flag.

To see what I can run as root, since I have the user’s password.

$ sudo -l
Results from command above.

Hmm, I can run that as other users except root.


I tried looking for other ways to get privilege escalation and finally had to resort to uploading a copy of linpeas to the target machine and fired that off.

Vulnerable version of sudo.

Visiting the link took me to a page that showed a quick command for how to exploit that version of sudo.

Command to exploit sudo.

Privilege escalation:

Great, now that I know how to exploit sudo it’s time to escalate my privileges.

$ sudo -u#-1 /usr/bin/vi /home/gwendoline/user.txt

Then, when vi opens the file, the command is:


With the root shell it’s now time to grab that root flag!

Proof of root flag


  • Make sure to remove files from the web server that have sensitive information or are not in use anymore.
  • Ensure correct permissions are set for users/groups and access to files/binaries on system are checked regularly.
  • Keep all software, hardware and systems up to date with security patches/version updates to prevent vulnerabilities on older versions.

Note from Publication: This story was uploaded at the permission of user “xocybersec” on 2/1/24. Please direct any feedback, comments, or citations to the original writer! Thank you — Infosec WatchTower

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