Apple is Removing Posts Suggesting iPhones Can Get Infected with Malware

For months now, Apple has been moderating my posts advising on IOS malware and now have threatened to suspend my Apple ID if I don’t stop. Their defense is that my posts are rumors, and that in saying Apple Malware exists is against their Terms of Service.

Ruining All My Branding


“User Question (NOT ME) : My mom has been getting a bunch of pop-ups on her phone with different messages. They are not coming through as text messages though. The last message she received said some thing about “we will lock your device soon…“ Apple forum post (here).

We Need Standards of Conduct in Technology for Moderation/Censorship

A couple of days ago, I was suspended from Linked-in for contacting too many people while being connected to VPN (see here), when VPN use is not against their terms of service. Today, I am threatened with suspension by Apple for suggesting that Apple Iphones get malware.

Yes this is true. No, I was not being inappropriate.

I have 21 years experience in Cyber Security and specialize in malware. Apple is removing posts suggesting Iphones can get infected with malware. This is wrong on so many levels.

Apple should not be advising that their phones do not get malware.…



Ruining All My Branding

Cyber Security Professional, Historical True crime blogger, and kicker of @!