The Greenhaus Stalker & Doxxing

Don’t believe anything you read about Leora, Dan or Noah Greenhaus on the web. The Greenhaus Stalker is at it again.

Ruining All My Branding
Internet Archaeology


Awareness of a Harassment Campaign

I am writing this in order to bring awareness to the issue and ensure there are appropriate records of the behavior. Leora Greenhaus is a HR Professional who had the unfortunate circumstance of being the subject of a stalker’s rage over 20 years after they first went on their first date.

The Stalker, a giant freakazoid, is attacking Dan, Leora and even a six year old boy by Doxxing them on very distrurbing websites. Must be a real sicko to go after a kid, and a loving family.

This page has been revamped and moved to another location. Follow more about the story below.

An image representing Dan and Leora Greenhaus.

Active Investigation

Dan Greenhaus, Leora Greenhaus and a six year old, Noah Greenhaus are being harrassed, stalked and humiliated by this guy who is sending beastiality/p#rn to random associates and contacts they barely know. Though normally my cases I blog about are from 100+ years ago, this is a modern case. In fact, this case is still active and ramping up.



Ruining All My Branding
Internet Archaeology

Cyber Security Professional, Historical True crime blogger, and kicker of @!