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Infostud grupa
Delimo znanje ljudi i priče iz života jedne od vodećih internet kompanija u Srbiji
Note from the editor

Delimo znanje ljudi i priče iz života jedne od vodećih internet kompanija u Srbiji

Go to the profile of Infostud grupa
Go to the profile of Radomir Ikić
Radomir Ikić
Digital Analytics, Product and Business Development. Corporate Development Specialist at Infostud 3 d.o.o.
Go to the profile of Borko Rastović
Go to the profile of Nebojša Kamber
Nebojša Kamber
Lawyer turned programmer and a proud dad
Go to the profile of Branko Sedlar
Go to the profile of Bosko Stupar
Go to the profile of Kristijan Kanalas
Kristijan Kanalas
Software Developer @ Infostud group. Traveling enthusiast, full time food and beer lover.