Best AI and Machine Learning Conferences of 2018

Published in
6 min readSep 17, 2018

It’s time to step out of your usual business routine and take a peek at what everyone else in the industry is doing. From hands-on workshops and open data conferences to networking and having a drink with potential vendors, AI and ML conferences are a worthwhile business expense.

To make sure you don’t miss out on the fun, we put together an updated list of the best upcoming conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and everything in between. Get your calendar ready.

Deep Learning Summit

London, UK

20–21 September, 2018

600 attendees

The Deep Learning Summit London is set to be a cosy event that will bring together the world’s leading innovators from big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Sky and BMW. Whether you’re into neural networks, speech & image recognition or big data, this conference will cover it all.

Why you should attend

  • Get up to date on current trends and breakthroughs in deep learning and how it’ll impact communication, manufacturing, healthcare and transportation.
  • Network with business leaders, data scientists and entrepreneurs for a fresh perspective on your current business challenges.

Strata Data Conference

New York, USA

11–13 September, 2018

4000 attendees

The Strata Data Conference takes a “deep dive into the business of data”. With insightful talks given by the brightest minds in the AI community, this conference will give you an insider’s perspective into the latest tools and technologies so you can prepare your business for the future.

Why you should attend

  • Be the first to peer into the emerging trends transforming the data industry.
  • Learn new machine learning techniques to solve your business problems.
  • Exchange ideas and best practices with data scientists, AI researchers, developers, analysts and executives.

O’Reilly AI Conference, SF

San Francisco, CA

4 -7 September, 2018

The AI Conference sponsored by O’Reilly and Intel brings everyone to the Golden Gate City to explore business applications, case studies, technical skills, and models in applied AI. If your ideal customer/partner/vendor is American, then this is where you’ll make your most important business connections.

Why you should attend

  • Dive into emerging AI techniques and technologies for real-world business applications.
  • Enroll in AI training courses led by NVIDIA, Apache Spark, TensorFlow, and other experts in AI and data science.

The AI Summit, SF

San Francisco, CA

18–20 September, 2018

4000+ attendees

This AI Summit is the world’s largest AI event for business. We’ll let the Head of IT at Croda tell you why this is a must-go event:

“The AI Summit is the space for like-minded business people to share current successes and for others to experience what is possible today, and meet vendors who can work with them to take AI forward.”

Why you should attend

  • Engage with the industry experts and leading innovators in AI research and product development.
  • Hear case studies from industry sectors including: Retail, Oil & Gas, Finance & Banking, IT, Energy, Medical, Telco & Media, Transport & Tourism.

ODSC Europe

London, UK

19–22 September, 2018

2000+ attendees

The ODSC Europe rounds up data scientists, engineers, executives and everyone in between to discuss the practical applications of data science. You’ll bump into core contributors to open source tools and learn how you can leverage open source libraries and languages for your business. (Psst! If you’re reading this before August 16th, you can nab your ticket at 40% off!)

Why you should attend

  • Meet the open data community to discuss the latest trends and open source tools in data science and AI.
  • Accelerate your knowledge and training in everything from predictive analytics and deep learning to driverless cars and voice recognition.

AI Tech World

London, UK

25–26 September, 2018

2500+ attendees

AI Tech World is a two-day conference focused on how AI can revolutionise your business (while serving up some of London’s best street food). From keynotes to case studies, this is the place to be if you’re a decision-maker at your company looking to raise the bar for business innovation.

Why you should attend

  • Choose from over 200 speakers to learn about CRM, BI, Security, Marketing, Sales, Bots and Robotics.
  • Get the 101 on the latest tech solutions from AI startups while networking with the best and brightest in the industry.

World Summit AI

Gashouder, Amsterdam

10–11 October, 2018

6000+ attendees

World Summit AI is, well, the world’s leading AI summit. After a sold-out event last year, they’re doubling up in 2018 to welcome the biggest brains in the AI ecosystem. They’ll be digging into enterprise solutions, AI ethics, and how to get a share of the AI investment pie. (You’ll even get a peek into NASA’s AI and the mysterious world of sex robots. Don’t say you’re not curious.)

Why you should attend

  • Find out how big tech companies and startups are changing the face of AI.
  • Join the workshops to learn everything about machine learning models and data.
  • Rave with future partners/customers at their famous after-party featuring DJ Sleeper.

O’Reilly AI Conference, London

London, UK

8 -11 October, 2018

No, this isn’t a deja vu. It’s yet another O’Reilly AI Conference, but in the heart of London. Here you can expect the same wealth of content, training opportunities, and insight into AI for your business. This is an event that welcomes both those building the technology and those making the strategic decisions to make it fit into your organization.

Why you should attend

  • Discover the most important AI developments for business and how you can use them to further innovation.
  • Enroll in AI training courses led by Tensorflow and Caffe.

The AI Summit, NY

New York, USA

5–6 December, 2018

6000+ attendees

The AI Summit in New York is an extension of the “world’s largest AI event for business” you read earlier, except this time it’s in NYC. Powered by industry leaders (IBM, Google, Microsoft, etc.), this conference is completely focused on the enterprise. So if you’re a business brain with only enough time to attend one event, then this is it.

Just take a look at what the 2017 AI Summit NY was like:

Why you should attend

  • Learn about the practical implications of AI for business and the innovative solutions you can adopt.
  • Get in on exclusive presentations filled with actionable insights from C-suite speakers representing the industry’s leading enterprises.

32nd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Montreal, Canada

3–8 December, 2018

NIPS 2018 is dedicated to machine learning and computational neuroscience with talks and demonstrations delivered by leading researchers. It’s rather formal compared to the other conferences, so if you’re interested in a no-fuss event about machine learning, then NIPS 2018 is for you. (Yes, they’ll be changing the name very soon.)

Why you should attend

  • Discuss the deeper side of machine learning and its applications with researchers from around the globe.
  • Join tutorials and workshops on algorithms, applications, data sets and more.

AI World Conference and Expo

Boston, MA

3–5 December, 2018

3000+ attendees

AI World Conference and Expo is an independent AI event designed for business and technology executives who want to learn all about AI innovation in the enterprise. This is the event to go to if your main challenge is prioritising AI strategies and technologies for your business.

Why you should attend

  • Experience exclusive seminars, keynotes and workshops covering AI in major fields such as IoT, cognitive computing and healthcare.
  • Learn how to use AI to build a competitive advantage, reduce operational costs and accelerate new business innovation efforts.

That’s it for now, but we’ll be adding to the list as we scour the Web for more events that can help you push your business into the future. In the meantime, take a look at our equally exciting list of the upcoming computer vision conferences you just can’t miss.

To learn more about, drop us a note at

Originally published at




Ingedata provides human annotation services to computer vision and artificial intelligence companies. Find us at Let’s talk data.