Ingenii Pod
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2022

It can be difficult to study Javascript on your own. I had trouble deciding which course to take and how long it would take me to get up to speed. I also worried about whether or not I would be able to complete the fellowship within the allotted time frame, can I deliver, and do not fail my team members. These were all the questions I had to ask myself. I was discouraged, but something kept telling me that I should just start with whatever course I could get my hands on. I did some research and began using w3schools for my Javascript, It was great for the first two days, but after that, I became bored because it was more text-based learning. I found myself scrolling through terminology I had no idea what they meant, so I went on YouTube to look for videos on Javascript and came across a particular site called Free Code Camp.

I started the seven-hour Javascript course on Freecodecamp. I completed the course in less than three weeks because it was so comprehensive and clear, and within those weeks, I already knew the fundamentals of javascript because I wasn’t just studying the logic; I also saw how they were applied practically in the projects we completed.

My first project, a people counter, was truly amazing, and when I showed it to my mentor, he commented on it and encouraged me to keep working hard.

I made my second project, which was a blackjack game, my first game with javascript. It was difficult to complete this project because there were many bugs, but it eventually worked. I asked my friend to play the game and if he won, I would give him money. Unfortunately, he won, and I had to pay the money.

My third project was a student grade calculator, which was fairly simple.

My final project for the 7-hour course was a Google extension leads tracker for saving URLs. It was difficult because I had to work with APIs and I didn’t fully understand the concept behind them. I also encountered a lot of errors.

When I finished my 7-hour course, I had to enroll in another javascript course on Udemy, where I worked on a specific calculator. Because of my prior experience with FreeCodeCamp, this project was quite simple.

Currently working on a vanilla javascript project, I’ve developed a number of projects, including a better counter app and background color changer, and I’m still learning new ones. That sums up my adventure thus far. Huge gratitude to the Ingenii Fellowship, my mentor Akorede Fodilu, and myself for everything we have accomplished over the past two months.

