Code Club End of Term Report

Tim Dalton
Ingeniously Simple
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2020

We made it. July 17th is the last day of the school year so as of this week, Code Club is out for Summer.

Since our first practice session on 26th March, 25 Redgaters from right across the business have delivered over 1500 hours of learning.

We’ve had students from 20 countries (all the way from Brazil to Japan), and recordings of the classes for students that coudn’t attend live have racked up another few thousand views.

Feedback from parents has been universally lovely, and we get more and more comments each week. Here are a few of my favourites:

- Thank you for doing these! My older daughter loved the Python ones and my younger one loved the scratch ones! We love that they have learned some coding from folks in the UK, half way around the world! So cool!

- My daughter is absolutely inspired and really enjoying playing around with Scratch. She made a Phantom of the Opera stage at the weekend taking inspiration from the first beginners lesson.

- Can we say a big thank you! These sessions have been a lifeline for our son during lockdown. He watches the Intermediate Scratch sessions (sometimes live, sometimes recorded) and not only is he having a great time, he’s learning quite a lot. You are truly superstars!

- Just can’t thank you enough for the tutorial sessions on Zoom. My son is autistic and is really struggling with lockdown. Your zoom sessions have been a lifeline.

- One of the great things to come out of this awful situation is businesses and certain celebs really stepping up and helping parents to get through it. You learn a lot about the values that people and business in particular have during times like this. Well done @Redgate

I’d like to call out Redgate kids Dougie, Olivia, Alex, Betty, Tessa, Mya and Aniket who turned out not only to write code, but to teach their peers too. Oh, and Matilda, but I didn’t give her much choice…

And that’s it for now. We’re all off for our nice long teacher holidays. Thank you to everybody who helped make this happen. I’m very proud of you all.



Tim Dalton
Ingeniously Simple

Product Managementing @redgate. Can also be found parenting / cycling / cricketing / allotmenting.