Efficient React editing with vim-surround

Mark Jordan
Ingeniously Simple
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2021

What makes learning vim worthwhile? While I’m far from a vim guru, and it often gets in the way, it speeds up editing code to the point where I think it’s definitely worthwhile. And with most modern editors supporting some form of vim emulation, it really becomes a skill that you can take anywhere you want to work.

The most important concepts to start getting value from vim are motions and operators. Unlike other keyboard shortcuts, vim commands are made up of composable parts that you can recombine and reuse.

For example, in another editor we might have the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Delete to delete the rest of the word from the cursor, or Ctrl-Backspace to delete the other half of the word up to the cursor. In vim the equivalent normal-mode commands would be dw (mnemonic: “delete word”) and db (“delete back a word”).

The crucial thing here is that these commands are actually a combination of d (an operator) and w or b (which are motions). We can use both of these in other contexts! Since w and b are motions, just pressing those keys by themselves will move the cursor the same distance. The delete command d can be swapped out for any other command, such as c (“change”) or y (copy, or “yank”).

What if we want to delete a whole bunch of text instead of one word at a time? Well, the search command / is a motion, so we can just type d/Some more text<Enter> and all the text from the cursor’s current position moving to the search result will be cleared out.

Each time you learn a new command or motion, the amount of things you can do in vim increases dramatically!

The last concept I want to introduce here is text objects. These are similar to motions, but are only used with an operator. Going back to our earlier example, what if we have the cursor on a word and we want to delete the entire thing? We could just delete forwards, then backwards using dw and db. However, we could also do diw: “delete inside word.” iw here is a text object: a block of text defined by some boundary. Text objects come in matching pairs: objects starting with a include the boundary characters, while objects starting with i do not. So we also have daw “delete around word” which will also delete some of the surrounding whitespace.

One text object I use a whole lot is i"/a" for working with strings. I find ci" (“change inside string”) very useful for replacing the contents of a string, and ca" (“change around string”) will replace the string altogether. Here’s a few more examples:

  • di}: delete all code inside the current set of {} curly braces.
  • ca): replace wrapping () parentheses and contained code with something else.
  • dat: delete the current (html) tag.

Which finally brings the topic to vim-surround. Remember how text objects had two types: i and a for whether the boundary characters were included or not? vim-surround adds a new type: s (or “surrounding”) which only includes the boundary characters, not the contained text.

One scenario I’ve found this really useful is when editing React components. As a first example, let’s say we have the following tag:

<div id="my_cool_tag" className="style1 style2 style3" />

We realise we need to add an optional fourth class in some cases, and we want to use an interpolated string to do so. This is a little tricky, since we now need to enclose the string in {} curly braces, and change the quote types.

We start by putting the cursor inside the className string, and type ysa"} . This command has three parts: ys to add a new surrounding, a" to define the text object we want to surround, and } the surrounding characters to add. The result (“surround surrounding "with }”) is the following:

<div id="my_cool_tag" className={"style1 style2 style3"} />

Not much, but it means we can now change the " string to a ` string with cs"` (“change surrounding quotes to backticks”):

<div id="my_cool_tag" className={`style1 style2 style3`} />

Now we can type f` to skip to the backtick at the end of the string, i to get into insert mode, and type out our new style:

<div id="my_cool_tag" className={`style1 style2 style3 
${someCondition && "style 4"}`} />

While it might not be super-impressive at first, vim-surround has saved us from a lot of tedious back-and-forth to edit each end of the string here. I’ve found the benefit definitely adds up over time.


  • “Vim” is really just a set of keyboard shortcuts for efficient code editing — you don’t need to use vim directly to benefit!
  • Vim’s power comes from the fact that commands are made up of composable, reusable parts.
  • Plugins like vim-surround make editing code even easier.

I hoped that helped!

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