Level Up 2018 has landed

Jeff Foster
Ingeniously Simple
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

On the 6th March we held our inaugural Product Division and Foundry conference called Level Up.

It was an amazing day! I was so impressed by everyone’s engagement and enthusiasm . We tackled some great topics head-on and generated some ideas/actions to take forward to make Product/Foundry even better. It was inspiring to see so many people leading debates and owning topics in the sessions.


The conference though is just the beginning. As a pair of divisions, we need to build on the great ideas and initiatives that took flight (sorry) during the conference. Throughout the day people spoke about empowering teams and individuals to take decisions and how we work, and the product division leadership team want to make this a reality at Redgate. As I said in the introduction when talking about the creators of the SR-71 Blackbird, I believe Clarence ‘Kelly’ Johnson had the right idea.

‘Kelly’s Rules’ are still in use today as evidenced by the small empowered teams, streamlined processes and the culture that values the lessons learned when you are bold enough to attempt something that hasn’t been done before.

We want to empower everyone at the conference to take ownership of the actions and insight that were generated on the day.

It’s all well and good to say we empower you, but we know Redgate needs explicitly enable and help you to drive these initiatives forward. So, we want to make ourselves available for any of you to grab us, as individuals or as a group, to tell us about the actions you “intend to” do (echoing David Marquet’s teachings from Turn the Ship Around) and then help and support you in those activities.

A HUGE thanks to all the wonderful people who helped make the day a huge success. The day would not have been possible without you.

All the wonderful people who made Level Up 2018 a success.

