Level Up your learning — Welcoming our new monthly#MeetUp event

Ben Mancini
Ingeniously Simple
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2019

You’ll have seen in our blog post on Friday last week that we were going to start a meet-up group in the Cambridge area. We’re also conscious that Cambridge can be hard to get to say, if you’re based in the states, or Scotland, or anywhere that’s dependent on using the A14 (the worlds biggest car park…) so we are looking at how we stream these meet-ups alongside the physical events, eventually we may even explore online based meet-ups to run side-by-side with the physical ones, but, we’re getting ahead of ourselves, lets talk about why we’re doing this first before introducing you to our first speaker and the all important date for your diary…

Why a meet-up and why now?

As we mentioned last week in our #retroweek write-up, it seems like us sharing our learning and working out in the open is having a positive effect.

But we want to create a stronger sense of community to support this further. The best way we can do that is by inviting you in to exploring learning with us. So a meet-up serves a dual purpose for us, it means we can contribute content in a physical way, but we can also invite you, your colleagues and industry speakers in to share their learning as well.

We’re pretty sure you’d get bored of just hearing from us, so these meetups are going to be community driven style events which reminds us, if you fancy sharing your work out in the open or an idea/technique/case study, get in touch with us on our channels as we would like you to be talking and presenting as well!

We’ve certainly got some ideas of our own we’ll be itching to share via these sessions, but we’re going to be inviting you and everyone else to share just as much.

So, give me the deets, when, where, will there be food? Is it free?

So, the important bits

  • The date? Thursday 24th October
  • The time? 7.00pm start, doors open at 6.30pm
  • The venue? Redgate Software of course, on the business park in Cambridge, full address is here
  • How do you book? We’ll be sharing a new meetup link very shortly on our channel for you to sign up with, don’t worry, it’ll be completely free!

Who is presenting?

We wanted our first event to be someone big to start us off with a bang, so we’ve been lucky enough to secure Amy Hupe, content lead for gov.uk and their Design System. We’ll let Amy explain a bit more about what this means below: -

Design System — the design system for the UK government. As well as leading on a clear and inclusive approach to documentation, Amy spends much of her time focusing on encouraging a culture of collaboration, and helping people across government and beyond to contribute to the project.

What will Amy be talking about?

Amy will share some of the challenges faced and lessons learned when it comes to building and running an open source contribution model

We’ll be providing food and drinks and a comfy place to sit. The talk will be followed by an opportunity to ask Amy questions. We’ll be filming the session (And hopefully streaming for those who can’t make the evening).

And the biggie, this is all free!

Learning should be free as far as we’re concerned, its why we push our stuff out without a pay-wall and why you’ll never see these meetups with a price tag attached.

So wait a minute, you’re offering a free meet-up with food, drink, industry speakers, what’s the catch? Are you going to shove Redgate down my throat?

Absolutely not!

There is no catch to this at all. We believe in making learning open. Redgate will be hosting these meetups but we’ll have an active code of conduct and not be ‘selling’ Redgate to anyone. If you are interested in what we do, you can always ask us or search here on our Medium pages 😊

So, lets make this a date and say 7pm on Thursday 24th October?

Like/share/comment below or on any of our other channels :)



Ben Mancini
Ingeniously Simple

Engineering Director @ Payoneer (NASDAQ - PAYO) delivering the future of crossborder payments