Redgate’s Progression Framework Goes Public

Gareth Bragg
Ingeniously Simple
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2021
Photo by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

We’ve previously shared about our journey to a cohesive Progression Framework at Redgate.

That framework has already helped people within our company to better understand their development opportunities and how to grow while they work with us. We’ve even shared the stories of some people who’ve been progressing through that framework.

We’re proud to announce that Redgate’s Progression Framework is accessable to everyone at

This framework has been live for a while, and we’ve been busy iterating on the content. We’ve recently added Redgate’s Product Design roles to the site, and hope to add Product Management soon.

We’ll continue to tweak these as we use the framework, both internally and in conversation with people outside Redgate.

One of our inspirations for this progression framework was, a site that promotes public and open-source progression frameworks for the benefit of people looking for guidance on developing their careers.

We’re proud to now be featured on alongside many other exciting companies

We hope that anyone who’s interested in careers in product engineering, leadership, management, or design will be able to learn something from these frameworks, from how to shape progression paths in their company, to the direction they want their career to take, or perhaps just their next steps.

If those next steps may be with Redgate, we’d love to hear from you!

