Facebook/Instagram ads vs Influencer Marketing: Which is better?

Wasulu Habib Olawale
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2019

With over 2 billion users on Facebook and 1 billion users on Instagram, these are two of the most used mobile platforms for advertising. For years, businesses and brands have found success in reaching different types of audiences using Facebook and Instagram advertising, as well as through Influencer marketing content.

Do you have a product or event launch? In this article we will look at the differences between these two marketing strategies and what they mean for your businesses.

Facebook/Instagram ads are any ads or promotions regularly found on Facebook and Instagram. These ads could come in form of text, images or videos, and they can be found on your news feed or story timeline as sponsored posts.

Influencer marketing advertisements are created by social media Influencers from their personalized accounts, could be their Youtube page, Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter page.

To help you identify which marketing strategy will best meet your business goals, below is a list of advantages and disadvantages for the two different marketing strategies.

Facebook/Instagram Ads


  1. Instagram and Facebook are connected. This makes it easier to target your audience based on Facebook data.
  2. In terms of ROI and cost, Instagram and Facebook returns the best results. It’s effective and less time-consuming than other online marketing channels.
  3. Flexible budget/Scalability. Facebook and Instagram’s ad buying program allows you to run your ads according to your pocket.
  4. Measuring the success of your campaign based on awareness. You also get to view the analytics and know what worked and what you need to work on.


  1. Adjusting Algorithms: Facebook and Instagram are trying to restrict blackhat SEO tactics, hence they are always changing their algorithms. If you create a content based on one algorithm, you might be doing it wrong because you don’t know there is a new algorithm.
  2. There is Competition: Because Facebook has a lot of users, ads are sprouting like mushrooms. And because of this, competition is tight. It is hard to stand out.
  3. Higher Engagement Demanded: Yes, ads must generate more engagement from visitors. But social media marketing also demands greater involvement from the person who is placing the ad. The likes and shares need to be monitored, and the comments need to be responded to in good time. If the comments are queries or complaints, then they should be responded to the fastest. Since you don’t know when and where the next complaint would come from, you need to be at alert. The audience potential is high on Facebook and Instagram, it can be difficult to accurately target your ads if you’re new to them, even with Facebook’s advanced algorithms.

Influencer Marketing


  1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as views, reach, and engagement rates all spike because audiences feel connected to the influencer and follow loyally.
  2. B2C Influencers engage consumers, improve brand awareness, and boost sales.
  3. Influencers help boost your SEO because they often have their own highly rated websites that get high exposure, giving your brand that desirable halo effect.
  4. Word-of-mouth marketing boosts brand identity and recognition through stories about people, instead of just the brand.
  5. Consumers aren’t interested in traditional marketing tactics anymore. They would rather put their trust in spokespeople, especially YouTube/Instagram/Twitter celebs because they seem more credible than brand advertising.


  1. Influence marketing is a strategy that should be incorporated into your larger marketing mix. This takes time, budget and dedication and planning.
  2. You must build relationships with the Influencers you work with — and this takes time, energy and dedication. You must invest yourself or your team in your Influencers: get to know them, invite them to events, build trust.
  3. You can’t buy your way to success by paying influencers. There is always a risk that you will spend money and the results will come up short of expectations. This final point is why so many brands fail at it.

Conclusion: On balance, it is fair to say that they both have their advantages and disadvantages, Facebook/Instagram ads and Influencer Marketing are weapons that no digital marketer’s arsenal should be without.

Facebook/Instagram ads and Influencer marketing in general still continues to grow.

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Wasulu Habib Olawale

Digital Marketing Expert, Chatbot Enthusiast, communications lead @ingressive