Amadi Austin Chukwuemeka
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2019

JavaScript which is now a prerequisite language in web development tends to be ignored by most beginners.

So we the campus ambassadors used these opportunity to emphasize on the importance and usefulness of acquiring JavaScript Skills, by teaching JavaScript.

The event which was scheduled to be on the 18th of May was gracefully accepted by students because it was a Saturday after our school exams, these therefore made the event turn up to be great. The time of the event was scheduled to start by 12:00pm but due to some delayed logistics and arrangements we kicked it off by 1:00pm. We had two event speakers, the first speaker is a senior software engineer from Andela, in the person of George Iwu, and the second speaker is a 400 level computer science student in the person of Nnamocha Claret.

Claret who was the first to lecture us on JavaScript, started with a detailed history about the origin and evolution of JavaScript, with his well elaborated and wonderfully designed slides he listed out why and how we should learn and add JavaScript to our stack, he also went further to explain the evolution of JavaScript starting from its origin to its current state. He also introduced some important topics in JavaScript which should be a must know for beginners, while teaching he asked questions and any student who answered correctly was rewarded with a swag, this made his session very interactive and lively. He ended his session by showing us some beautiful applications and websites which was built with JavaScript, that ended his session which lasted for one hour thirty minutes.

The next speaker started immediately we finished our 20 minute recreation. Many students were so eager to hear from these speaker. George Iwu who is a senior software engineer from Andela has a keen interest in improving the tech ecosystem in Imo state, he came all the way from Lagos just to honour our invitation, we the ambassadors really respect and appreciate him for that.

Sir George started by commending and appreciating the first speaker for his wonderful presentation and teaching, after which he started to emphasize on the importance of becoming a JavaScript ninja, including the various opportunities that JavaScript can offer you in your career as a software engineer or developer.

He made mention of job ratings in the software industry today, and low and behold JavaScript skill should be a must know if you want to easily get a software job. After many emphasis and elaborations on the usefulness and importance of JavaScript. He went ahead to discuss a topic in JavaScript called “Array”, with that he introduced 3 must know array functions which include Map function, Reduce function and filter function. After teaching he started a JavaScript code challenge, of which two students won the challenge and he gave them T- shirts, and while the challenge was going on we had our refreshment which was a bottle of soft drink and a meat pie for each person. His session lasted for 2 hours 30 minutes.

With that came to the end of our long anticipated meetup, those who came for the meetup were so happy and fulfilled, we had comments like,

“ I don’t like working with javascript but with what I have seen today I think I will give it a try” — Darlignton

“I came to know and understand the importance of Javascript, I think I am fulfilled” — Sullivan Chigozie

“Am still a beginner in software development, but i am starting with javascript, all thanks to Ingressive” — Handel

And many more comments.

In a very special way Ithank the almighty God who made it possible for us to host this event, and a special thanks to the ingressive organization for the support and sponsorship. Also thanking my fellow Ambassadors who helped in organizing and making this event a successful one.



Amadi Austin Chukwuemeka

I am a Software Engineer who is passionate about solving complex problems by Building technological solutions out of business needs.